Bulletin 3.14.21


  • Welcome Blacknall’s New Director of Congregational Care, Becky Gould!
    We are excited to announce that Becky will join Blacknall staff in July. She is a longtime Blacknall member and is coming to us from Trinity School where she teachers US Humanities.

  • Get to Know Wen Reagan | Watch Here
    Molly Demarest interviews Wen Reagan, Blacknall’s new Director of Music & Worship Ministries.

  • Congregational Meeting to Elect Officers | Sunday, March 21, 12 pm, Zoom
    We encourage you to prayerfully consider the Class of 2024 nominees and read their bios here. Officers are elected for three-year terms. Deacon nominees (6 candidates for 6 spots): Rhett Davis, Daniella Goldfarb, Heather Hodge, Kristy Roberts Ponce, Bill Shively, and Ryan Stults. Elder nominees (6 candidates for 5 spots): Lauren Holahan, Cullen Rodgers-Gates, Sherbie Skeen, Paul Tshihamba, and Michael Whisenhunt.

  • Lenten Livestream | Wednesdays through March 24, 7-7:30 pm 

  • Lenten Prayer & Fasting with DMET | Saturdays, 9-10 am, Zoom Link on CCB
    During this season of Lent, you are invited to join us in fasting Friday lunch and spending that time in prayer for our city. Join us Saturdays over zoom to pray.

  • Update your photos, win a gift card!
    Until we can see each other in person and without masks, let's stay in touch the best we can by posting updated photos to our CCB profiles. View these tips before uploading your photos, then enter the drawing by March 10 to win your choice of a $20 gift card to The Regulator Bookshop, Joe VanGogh Coffee, or Pincho Loco Ice Cream. Sign up here to request a hard copy of the photo directory.

  • Blacknall Broadcasting Team | Sign up here
    Are you awesome? Yes you are! Are you interested in joining an awesome team? Of course you are! We're looking for individuals who are interested in helping with the tech and logistics of broadcasting.

  • Allan Poole's Retirement Celebration | Saturday & Sunday, June 5-6
    Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details.

  • Lent/Easter Devotionals
    If you're looking for thoughtful devotionals during this season of Lent, the library offers many books to prepare our hearts, including many Lent and Easter books for children. The Blacknall Library is available for self-service (call ahead to check office hours). Questions? library@blacknall.org.



  • Maundy Thursday Communion Services
    Thursday, April 1, 12pm & 7pm | Join us for an opportunity to hear the word, share the Lord’s Supper, and sing a hymn together. We will meet on the sanctuary steps and in the rose garden for 15-20 minutes. Please wear a mask; all ages welcome.

  • Good Friday Scriptural Way of the Cross
    Friday, April 2 | Experience the stations of the cross through imagery and prayer. Modified from past years, there will be no tactile engagement.

  • Holy Saturday Vigil
    Saturday, April 3, 6:30-7:30 pm | Together with Mt Level and the Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice, participate in an outdoor Easter vigil. The service will be held at Mt. Level.

  • Easter Outdoor Worship
    Sunday, April 4 at 9, 10, & 11 am | Celebrate the resurrection with the birds of the air in an outdoor worship service on Easter morning. Details coming soon. Worship from home liturgy also provided.

Ministry Partners:

  • Campus—We pray for Dan Kronstad working with international students with our Deep Common Journey partner, International Students, Inc.  Pray for Dan and his family as they grieve the death of his Dad last month.  Please also lift up these prayer requests:

    • iFriends, a program connecting volunteers with students virtually, successfully launched this semester with new hosts and students involved

    • conversation partners meeting weekly

    • Bible Study groups meeting with Duke and NC State students throughout the week

    • Other initiatives that seek to connect with new students and foster openings for dialogue and deeper engagement

    • Seeking approval to hold an "in person" Easter event on Duke's east campus. We have also asked approval to schedule hikes with students on trails near campus. Pray for favor that these requests will be approved after a year of virtual only meetings with students.

  • International—We pray for Blacknall mission partners and long-time members of our congregation, Charlie & Frauke, with Barnabas International doing missionary counseling while based in Durham. “The counseling ministry of Barnabas International is founded on biblical principles yet strives to meet both spiritual and emotional needs.”  Recent prayer requests: (1) praises for progress in their ministry with healthcare providers; (2) wisdom to use their time wisely in strategic planning; (3) the ability to hear the voice of God in all their planning and counseling; (4) wisdom for the board in Spain, as they embark on a more intense phase of establishing a retreat center for Latino Christians engaged in global ministry.

  • Pray for International Missionaries using the March Prayer Guide.

  • Durham—We pray for World Relief in Durham and for their office director Adam Clark.  We pray for World Relief as they anticipate a much larger number of refugees legally entering the country with the change in presidential administrations in Washington.  Pray for the Durham office to be able to galvanize the Church in the Triangle area to be able to welcome many into our community.  Pray for Kayla Lee, the new COVID-Recovery Coordinator.  Kayla will assist clients whose employment has been impacted by the pandemic with job searches and applications, networking, professional development (resume building, interview prep, professional dress), and obtaining drivers licenses and ESL proficiency.  Pray for Blacknall to discern if we are being called to take on welcoming and coming alongside a refugee family who will be coming to Durham.


  • We pray for Faye McLamb on the death of her husband and longtime Blacknallite, George McLamb on March 7

  • We pray for Doug and Cheryl Koenig and their family on the death of their daughter Deanna on March 1.

  • We pray for Bob and Cathy Leslie on the death of Bob’s Dad on March 2.

  • We pray for Diane and John Felton on the death of Diane’s Mom on Feb. 26.

  • We pray for those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus.


  • We celebrate the birth of Joanna Austell Bradshaw to Maria and Zach Bradshaw on March 10.

  • We celebrate the birth of Catherine (Kitty) Myers to Mary Lynn and Jimmy Myers on March 1.

  • We celebrate the distribution of the COVID vaccine and the hope that we will be able to begin coming back together in worship soon.


  • We pray for Paul & Phyllis Immanuel who are struggling with persistent health problems.

  • We pray for Lori Riggs as she struggles with headaches, sinus problems, fatigue and ongoing symptoms from the coronavirus. 


  • We pray for a speedy and just distribution of the coronavirus vaccines locally and around the world.

  • We pray for our schools as students are back in class.  We pray for teachers and pray that the bonds between teachers and students would quickly be deepened and students might recover academically.

  • We pray for believers and others in central and Northern Nigeria who are facing persecution.  We pray for the 30 students kidnapped in NW Nigeria this week.

Life Together

  • We give thanks for the announcement that Becky Gould will be Blacknall’s new Director of Congregational Care beginning on July 1.  We give thanks for the hard work of the members of the search committee.

  • We give thanks for the service of Leslie Cenezy, our building manager.  We give thanks for Roger Eibest, Rick Copland and their team of volunteers who do so much for the care and upkeep of our building.