Festival of the Bean

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Sunday, Oct. 14, 3:30-7pm | Camp Chestnut Ridge, Efland, NC

Please join us for our 12th Annual Festival of the Bean fall picnic and chili cook-off. Come and enjoy good food, good fellowship, hayrides, games, and s'mores 'round the campfire. If you plan to enter your chili for competition (& we hope you do!), please bring by it 4 p.m. in a crockpot along with a ladle for serving and any condiments specific to your chili. Be sure to give your chili a fantastic name (names should not indicate who made it).The competition categories are Traditional, Vegetarian & Spicy, and the overall winner will be declared Lord or Lady of the Bean.If you are not bringing chili, please bring cornbread or some other side dish to share. 

  3:30 - Festival begins, check in chili for competition
  4:00 - Cut-off time for entering chili for the judging
  4:15 - 4:45 - Chili tasting and judging
  4:00 - 6:00 - Hayrides & games
  5:00 - Baptism of Sam Yin
  5:15-6:00 - Dinner & 'smores at the fire pit 
  6:15 - Announcement of the winning chili (Lord or Lady of the Bean)
  6:30 - Clean up 

Questions? Contact Stefanie Tokiyama

Women's Contemplative Prayer Morning


“In Your Light, We See Light"
Becoming Aware of God's Presence

Saturday, October 20, 9-11:30 a.m. | Upper Room

Register here

Anne Storelli and Frauke Schaefer will facilitate scripture reading, guided solitude time, and group reflection with an opportunity to respond through journaling, drawing or other artistic expressions. Victoria Shields from Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church will help, and women from Mt. Level Missionary will join in, feel free to invite a friend as well. Bring your Bible and journal, or purchase a journal at the event ($4 each). Art supplies will be provided for those who desire them. If you have a particular art medium that you would like to share, feel free to bring it with you. We pray your soul will be refreshed by your time with the Lord! 

If childcare is needed, contact Traci Hoover by October 15.  If you have questions, please contact Frauke Schaefer.

Hurricane Florence Recovery


As we thank God that we were spared much of the worst impact of HurricaneFlorence here in Durham, we also remember our neighbors in the eastern part of the state and in surrounding states who were devastated by this storm. If you are feeling led to give financially to help care for these neighbors, let us recommend to you four of the many organizations that will be involved in the response to this disaster. All four have an excellent track record of effectively offering help in these times of great need.

On their websites the Red Cross and Samaritan’s Purse also have opportunities to volunteer to help our neighbors, if you are interested. If you are interested in being a part of a team from Blacknall who might volunteer in Eastern North Carolina, please contact David Dunderdale.
In addition, let us not forget our most important response, to pray for our brothers and sisters, our neighbors, in this time of need.

Women's Retreat Registration


November 9-11, 2018 | Valle Crucis Conference Center

Register Here

Let's meet in the mountains to worship, play, converse, hike, rest and pray together.  The focus is cultivating calm and stillness in storms, drawing on Jesus' experience with them. 

Cost | $155 (scholarships available) 

Heidi Stern | Speaker

A friend to many at Blacknall and a counselor in Cary, Heidi has been practicing Clinical Social Work since graduating in 1991 from UNC-CH School of Social Work. Her areas of clinical specialty include working with individuals who have a history of past sexual, emotional, physical and/or spiritual trauma. She also works with people who struggle with issues related to depression, anxiety, grief, life transitions, marital and/or family conflict, and spiritual concerns. In her personal life, Heidi enjoys spending time with family and friends (including 3 dogs and a cat), watching ACC basketball, swimming, walking, reading, going to the beach, and drinking coffee.

Amy Lett, Jamie Turnage & Susan Mullins | Worship Leaders

View Brochure for more details. 

Questions? Contact Diane Felton   

Table Talk Registration


Wednesdays, September 19-November 7 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.


Table Talk is an educational series featuring dinner, fellowship, and learning programs for all ages. Excellent teachers from our community plan exciting classes on how we can walk more faithfully in the way of Jesus. A highlight of Blacknall's life together! A tasty, nutritious meal will be available in the Fellowship Hall, with vegetarian and gluten-free options. 

Read about classes here



Women's Bible Study Registration


Thursdays, 9:30-11:15 a.m., September 13-December 6

Register Here

Join us as we study the Book of Isaiah for the full academic year. Each Thursday morning will include worship, teaching, fellowship, and small groups.  

Childcare is provided for birth through age 4.  The registration fee is $40 for the whole year, or $20 per semester. Scholarships are available. Hope to see you there! Feel free to invite a friend.  

Marriage Course Registration

Thursdays, September 20-November 8, 6-8:30 p.m.

Register here

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An 8-week series for couples who want to invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively and resolve differences well. Each week you will fed a delicious meal at an intimate table for two, listen to a practical talk, and have time for private discussion between you and your partner. Childcare is available. 

Marriage Course Testimonial from Matthew Tay & Emmeline Thor – “We'd like to invite every married couple in Blacknall to attend the Marriage Course. The course provides practical tools for each couple to improve their marriage, including communication, conflict resolution, and how to love each other better. More than 50 couples have now attended the course at Blacknall, and have all found the course to be beneficial. We have had couples on the course with great marriages who felt that they grew even closer on the course. We have also had couples who were separated who decided to take the course together and sat and talked and laughed with each other and worked together at restoring their relationship. Emm and I have gone through the course 5 times now, and each time we still learn something new to apply to our marriage. Meals are provided, and all communication is private between you and your spouse - you'll be seated at a  table for two, and you won't have to share anything that you discussed. There will also be childcare available. Please allow the Marriage Course Team to bless you.”

Immigration Resources

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Recommendations from Blacknall partner World Relief Durham:

  • Add your name to a letter signed by church leaders who urge against family separation at the U.S.-Mexico Border. In addition to the letter, here is a link to the World Relief petition for asylum-seeking families forcibly separated at the border.
  • World Relief has also set up a page for donations to help fund legal support, advocacy, and church mobilization at the border.
  • The Evangelical Immigration Table provides resources for "preaching God's heart for immigrants." There are outlines and suggestions for responsible preaching about immigration.
  • There is also a Bible study curriculum called "Welcoming the Stranger." It is designed to lead small groups in thinking through immigration and faith.
  • World Relief has a free e-book that explains who refugees are. This is particularly helpful in educating other people about the refugee experience.
  • Consider taking the "I Was a Stranger" Challenge with your congregation, which will lead you through scripture passages regarding foreigners and strangers.
  • World Relief's U.S. Director of Church Mobilization Matthew Soerens commented about the situation on CNN, a feed that you can view here.
  • Commit to volunteering at World Relief's Summer Youth Program (July 10-August 2, Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays, 9-12 p.m.). Although this is not directly connected to the border issue, we need your help in sending a strong message of welcome and belonging to children of refugee families here in the Triangle. Visit our Summer Enrichment Program webpage to learn more and sign-up.
  • A national event called Fast for Familias took place on June 29, which called Christians to fast and pray for families at the border. While this event has passed, you can learn more on their website. 
  • Along with World Relief's need for volunteers, we are looking for transportation for our Summer Enrichment Program. If you would be willing to lend a van or a bus to our program, please contact Zach Bond

Photo from World Relief Durham

Partner with Congo Initiative


Blacknall and Congo Initiative have agreed to journey together as Deep Common Journey partners. Partnership is a complicated business separated by such huge physical and political barriers. Given the uncertainty around the election, teams from our congregation won’t be able to visit again until next year. Here are a few ideas from Congo Initiative about how to get involved.

Ways to Partner

  • Host one or several of the English teachers from the UCBC, the Congo Initiative University. They are in Durham July 3 – 10.  Sign up to host them overnight, host them for a meal, take them to a Bulls game, invite your friends over to meet them, or have them join your Bible study group. 
  • Consider becoming a mentor for a student in a new business incubator in Beni called Waukesha. You’ll meet monthly with an aspiring entrepreneur and mentor them.
  • Consider supporting a UCBC student’s tuition either as a family or with several families together. It costs about $1,800 a year for a student to attend UCBC.
  • For psychologists, therapists and counselors: present an online training seminar for lay counseling staff at Bethseda Counseling Center.
  • Gather school supplies, books, and appropriate electronics for both ABC and La Charité schools. Some things can be sourced locally or in Uganda, but others cannot.
  • Consider getting involved in financially supporting a faculty member to receive advanced education in their field
  • Plan to spend 1 month, 2 months, 1 year, or 2 years in Beni. There are opportunities for teaching at the primary, secondary, or University level. Or, you could help Congo Initiative establish good business and accounting practices. You could offer agricultural and agribusiness training. You could work with volunteer counselors at Bethseda.
  • David Eagle collected survey responses from over 100 pastors in Beni about their work, their mental health and how they perceive of mental illness. This will hopefully be presented at a pastor’s conference next year in Beni. If you want to help with planning or leading this conference, contact David. 
  • Students: spend your summer in Beni; arrange an independent service learning program as part of your program.
  • If you are thinking of deeper involvement, start learning French now (I’m serious!)

 If something sets off a spark, no matter how small, please contact David Eagle.

Host A Taco Night

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Sign up here

As an extension of Know Your Neighbor month, Blacknall’s Evangelism Team is offering folks the opportunity to host a taco dinner in their home this July. Invite one or more neighbors, friends, or co-workers to share the meal with you. Blacknall will provide cooked ground beef, tortilla chips, and all the fixings, packaged for pickup in servings of 8. To join the prep team, contact Steve Hinkle.

Photo of Taco Night at Traci & Don Hoover's home

Summer Fun & Movie Nights




  • Friday, June 29 - Sound of Music sing-a-long
  • Friday, July 27 - Bring a Game Night
  • Friday August 31 - Movie TBA
  • All events - 6:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall. 

The hospitality committee is graciously hosting family-friendly movie & game nights this summer—come cool off and enjoy the fun! This is not just for families with young children—young, old, singles, couples—all are welcome, and please bring friends. Lemonade and popcorn provided. 

Suggestions? Contact Tana


Kids Summer Reading


Kids 2 Kids Summer Reading Program - All summer long, we see how many books our kids can read. Kids of any age are eligible to read (or parents can read to them). Based on our grand total, a donation will be made to Reality Ministries. Sign up in the library; read any book from the Blacknall library; and record each one on our sticker chart right outside the library starting today!

Jenn West Potluck Lunch


Sunday June 24, 12:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

Join us after the second service for a potluck lunch to hear more about Blacknall supported-missionary Jenn West’s work in Amsterdam. Jenn works with IVCF, Amsterdam, ministering to its many international students through ISMA, which is organized by Dutch Christians for all students and post-docs in Amsterdam & Amstelveen studying away from home.