The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) began meeting in December 2022 after the Transition Team completed Blacknall’s Mission Study. We created a Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) and our search for a Senior Pastor began in the spring of 2023.
Summer Sermon Series: Second Isaiah
Welcome Chris Blumhofer as Blacknall's Parish Associate!
As Goodie Bell steps down as Associate Pastor and we enter a new season of transition, the Session has invited Chris Blumhofer to serve us as a Parish Associate. In that role, Chris will help lead Sunday morning worship, preach, provide pastoral care, and perform other tasks that support David Dunderdale and the rest of the staff.
Meet Your New Officers (Class of 2027)
2024 Officer Nominees
Welcome Blacknall‘s New Director of Operations!
PNC Update (4.24.2024)
Since we began our search for our next Senior Pastor in December 2022, you have been praying. We are grateful; we have felt the Spirit’s guidance and encouragement every step of the way. We sense the Lord at work right now, and we yearn for the Spirit to keep moving. Would you join us in praying fervently in the coming weeks?
Follow-Up to Faithful Engagement: Race and the American Church
On April 5 and 6, Blacknall’s Committee on Jesus, Race, and the Church (JRC) hosted “Faithful Engagement: Race and the American Church,” a two-day workshop exploring the intersections of faith, Scripture, and race relations in the United States. The workshop's four-person teaching team included Blacknall member Charlene Brown and three other Christ-following leaders from Virginia. Charlene has been in deep relationship with these leaders for many years and has served with them in ministry, primarily through Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
The Latest Award Winners in Blacknall’s Library
Check Out the Choir!
PNC Update (3.20.2024)
Focus on Mission: PNC Update (2.25.2024)
In case you missed it last Sunday (2/25), we invite you to watch the update from the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) presented by committee members Melissa Hartemink and Don Hoover.
A "Thank You" to Volunteers Caring for Our Building & Supporting Operations
Many thanks to those who cleaned and painted and weeded and mulched at the Guild Work Day last Saturday: Mark Barger, David & Cindy Chapman, Rick Copland, Mike Eyster, Warren Gould, Lauren Holahan, Don & Traci Hoover, Joyce Kight, Judy Miller, Terry Risher, and Jake Vander Vis.
Thanks, too, to Rick Copland, Mike Eyster, and Roger Eibest for their faithful, weekly, behind-the-scenes service in taking care of our building and tackling projects large and small.
Thanks to Kathy Barger and Jason Petree for keeping our finances in order between Carol Smith's retirement in the fall and Kristin Stults's joining us earlier this month as our new Financial Administrator — and to Jason for overseeing the church office until we hire a new Director of Operations.
Host Our Friend from Congo for Dinner
Now Hiring!
Blacknall is now accepting applications for two positions: Associate Director of Middle School Ministry and Director of Operations (formerly Business Manager). Both positions were approved by Session and are now posted on the employment page of Blacknall's website.
Men's Lenten Fellowship Groups
Starting the week of Ash Wednesday, the Men’s Ministry invites Blacknall men to join a Lenten fellowship group to read Scripture together, share life, and pray for one another.
Interview with Brandon Miller
In case you missed it on Sunday, we invite you to watch the delightful interview with Brandon Miller, Blacknall's new Children's Ministry Director. You won't want to miss the answers to the important questions asked by elder Kathy Mitchell and her son, 9-year-old Tariku!
Resources for Lent
Lent begins on February 14 with Ash Wednesday. Once again this year, we have published a Lenten resource page on Blacknall's website.