PNC Update (05.29.2024)

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) began meeting in December 2022 after the Transition Team completed Blacknall’s Mission Study. We created a Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) and our search for a Senior Pastor began in the spring of 2023.

All of our candidates have undergone the same rigorous interview process, which is explained in more detail in these FAQs. This is a mutual discernment process for the PNC and a candidate. If we jointly decide to move forward, the PNC will make a recommendation to the Presbytery. The Presbytery will conduct a background check and meet with the candidate. When the Commission on Ministry approves the call, the PNC will ask the Session to call a congregational meeting, and the congregation will be notified. The PNC will present the candidate and the terms of call at the congregational meeting, and the members of the congregation will vote on whether to elect the candidate as its Senior Pastor.

Thank you for your patience and trust in this confidential process. Please continue to pray fervently. We are confident that our Lord will provide senior leadership for Blacknall, and we hope to return to make an announcement later this summer. Please reach out to us at with any thoughts or questions. More information about the pastoral transition page.