Worship Announcements | April 12, 2020


  • We rejoice with Hanke & Wilco De Vries in the birth of their daughter Rivka on April 10.

  • We rejoice with Grace & Scott Hamman in the birth of their daughter Constance on April 3.

  • Pray for the Gibson-Davis family in the death of Rhett’s father on April 1.

Love & Serve

  • Call or text someone in the congregation and wish them a happy Easter!

  • Take a meal to the Hammans, as they welcome baby Constance.

  • Take a meal to the De Vries, as they welcome baby Rivka.

  • Pray through the updated missionary prayer guide.

About the Music

By Dave Stuntz, Director of Music Ministries
“Come and see” – Jesus spoke those words to two men (as recorded in John 1:39); they came, and saw, and became two of the dozen disciples. Three years later, I can imagine Mary rushing from the empty tomb to tell the men, ending with the same words: Come and see! Just days before, this is what they saw – “the Lord of the universe nailed to a tree; Christ our God, spilling His holy blood…” One day, we will open our eyes to see Him face to face, “Christ who died, risen in paradise.” Like many of you, I have been walking a lot of late, and I am struck by the contrast: Our lives right now are “entombed” at the very time that the miracle of spring is happening around us. Some days, the walls of my house feel like they have voices – “You will never get out.” The new life exploding outside is, for me, the call of Christ to Lazarus: Remove the stone, unbind him, and let him go! Recording music this week with Dana, Jamie and Scott was wonderful, and intensely painful. It was a taste of new life, soul-feeding to me for so many years…but only a taste. To record “Sing to Jesus”, but not hear you roar your affirmation of praise, hit me hard. Dana and Jamie singing it has been a huge part of Easter for me for many years now. My longing for you, for our up-close-shared worship, is just that, longing. But the separation is not forever, though right now it feels a bit like that to me. Imagine the longing, the ache, of the disciples the day after the crucifixion, perhaps the longest day they ever experienced. “Weeping may last through the night, but with the morning comes a shout of joy.” (Psalm 30) Christ is risen – the dawn came for those disciples, more glorious than they could have imagined. Even separated, let’s dry our tears and shout for joy. Our resurrected Lord invites us to leave our tombs, because He left His. Thank you, Dana and Jamie, for the gift you gave. Sing to Jesus.

Come and see, look on this mystery: The Lord of the universe nailed to a tree.
Christ our God, spilling His holy blood, bowing in anguish His sacred head.
Come you weary, and He will give you rest. Come, you who mourn, lay on His breast.
Christ who died, risen in paradise, Giver of mercy, Giver of life.

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame,
Lord of our sinful hearts, He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.