Kaitlyn Schiess

I grew up as a military kid moving all over the country, in a family that loved Jesus and His church. My parents shared the gospel with me at a young age, and my faith deepened in college as I discerned God’s direction towards a seminary education. While attending Dallas Theological Seminary, I spent five years on staff at a church in Dallas, working in children’s ministry and then with young adults. When I moved to Durham in 2021 to begin my doctorate at Duke, I needed a soft place to land after a couple of challenging and heartbreaking years. Blacknall was that place, and God has used this community to heal me and cultivate in me a deeper love for His church.

One of my great joys is spending time with the children of Blacknall in children’s church, and I have served in the women’s ministry, taught in adult Sunday School, and belong to a young adult small group.

I study and write about theology and politics, and much of my professional work is in helping churches and communities think well about political life and address division in a healthy way. I’m thankful for the witness Blacknall has been to me of navigating disagreement with faithfulness, and I would be honored to serve this place I love as we continue to face challenges with grace and humility.