Cullen Rodgers-Gates

I was raised in Saudi Arabia and Augusta, Georgia. My wife, Mandy, and I met as undergrads at Wheaton College and have been married for 24 years. Our children are Hannah (22), Ethan (21), and Caleb (16). We’ve lived in Durham and attended Blacknall for 16 years. Since 2020, I have been on staff with the National Association of Evangelicals as Director of Development and Membership. Prior to that, I spent 20 years working in the international education and nonprofit sectors, including 12 years with Congo Initiative, one of Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partners.

I love Blacknall because Scripture is taught with conviction here, and there is a concerted effort to live out the gospel tangibly in our corporate life together. I’ve been privileged to serve in a variety of roles at Blacknall over the years, including children’s ministry, men’s ministry, and as elder. I was raised in a home that cherished the Scriptures and taught me to seek after God from an early age. Growing up overseas in a multicultural and pluralistic environment laid the foundation for a life-long discovery of God’s kingdom through many personal encounters with the global church. As a result, integral mission is at the core of my understanding of the gospel and has shaped the trajectory of my life in profound ways. I am eager to offer my gifts of listening, discernment, and encouragement to build up the body of Christ at Blacknall and to continue supporting our men’s ministry, in particular.