The Gospel of John
Who is Jesus? What does it mean to believe in Him? Through the Gospel of John, Jesus invites us to "come and see." Until Easter, we will study the Gospel of John on Sunday mornings, and we encourage you to read along on your own, in your household, or in a small group. As we see Jesus together, we will be sent by Jesus into the world He so loved.
Week 1 | February 2: John 1:35-51
Sermon transcript & scripture reading | Livestream recording
Resources: Introduction to John with Marianne Meye Thompson | Bible Project Guide: The Book of John
Week 2 | February 9: John 2:1-25
Sermon transcript & scripture reading | Livestream recording
Imagine: The Chosen, Season 1 Episode 5, “The Wedding Gift” (also streaming on Amazon Prime)
Think: Chris Blumhofer Lecture on John 2:1-12
Reflect: Luther, Sermon on John 2:1-11
Week 3 | February 16: John 3:1-15
Sermon transcript & scripture reading | Livestream recording
Imagine: The Chosen, Season 1, Episode 7, “Invitations”
Think: Born of the Spirit - I Am Who I Am (Tim Mackie, The Bible Project)
Reflect: Nicodemus (Graham Kendrick -The Acoustic Gospels)
Week 4 | February 23: John 4:4-42
Sermon transcript & scripture reading | Livestream recording
Imagine: The Chosen, Season 1, Episode 8, “I am he”
Think: The Real Woman at the Well (Lynn H. Cohick)
Reflect: Meet Me at the Well (RC Music Collective)
Week 5 | March 2: John 4:43-54
Sermon transcript & scripture reading | Livestream recording
Think: The Listener’s Commentary on John 4:43–54
Reflect: St. Augustine on John 4:43-54