Creative Worship & Care


As corporate worship and regular gatherings change shape due to Coronavirus precautions, here are some creative ways to worship from home and care for others.

  • Worship from Home: Sermon audio, written prayers and hymn lyrics for worshiping at home, available weekly at

  • Lenten Daily Reflections: Anchored to a Psalm and ranging from praise to lament to gratitude to head-scratching. Sign up here.

  • Blacknall Buddy System

    • Need Help with Shopping? If you would like help with grocery or pharmacy shopping during these stay-at-home days, or if you'd simply like a new friend to call, email or text, there are 25 young adults at Blacknall who have signed up to help. This strange time might create surprising friendships. To request help, contact Margaret Frothingham or Joyce Kight.

    • Be a Helper. If you would like to volunteer to help, please sign up here - Be a Buddy in Covid-19 Season. In addition to your contact information, we ask that you watch a brief tutorial with safety guidelines before you serve.  

Do you have other examples of creative worship or care? Contact Mary Grimm.

The Gathering Postponed


A letter from The Fellowship Gathering Board

On March 16, The Fellowship Community board members gathered on a conference call to pray and discern the best way forward regarding our National Gathering. We agreed unanimously — because your health and safety are of primary importance to us, we are postponing the 2020 National Gathering until October 20-22, 2020. We’ll still gather at Blacknall Memorial Presbyterian Church in Durham, NC, and we’ll keep our theme of “Leadership for Real Church.” We hope to maintain our same slate of speakers, as well. What does this mean for you?

  • If the April time slot was inconvenient for you, you have a second chance to join us! Block off October 20-22 on your calendar now, and we’ll let you know as soon as our new registration site is up and running!

  • If you’ve already registered, look for an email from Julie McGowen in the next few days outlining the next steps.

  • If you have any other questions or concerns, email us at and we’ll respond as quickly as we can.

Over the next few months, we’ll continue to pray for you — and we covet your prayers, as well. Pray that God would grant us “energy, intelligence, imagination, and love” as we lean into what God is calling us to be and do as a Fellowship Community. Be well, and we’ll see you in October!

In Christ’s Love, The Fellowship Community Board

Loving Our Neighbors


If you are in a position to provide extra community support, consider the below ways to love our neighbors during this time.

  •  CROP “Virtual” Walk: Sunday, April 5. We encourage people to walk sometime on Palm Sunday as if they were in the CROP Walk.  Durham receives 25% of donations. To give or sign up, click here. Contact: Doug Koenig.

  • Iglesia Emanuel Food Bank: They have more food needs than they are able to meet. The safest and most helpful way to contribute is by making a financial contribution through their website.

  • Families Moving Forward: To give extra support, contact Anne Paulson.

  • Meals on Wheels / Interfaith Food Shuttle: Donate to the BackPack Buddies program for children who depend on school meals.

  • School for Conversion Buddy System: Healthy young adults are paired with an elder in order to maintain regular check-ins and coordinate delivery of essential supplies if/when needed. Sign up here.

  • Walltown Neighborhood Food Bank: Collection dates on April 9-10, 2-4 p.m. Read more details here.

  • Word Relief Refugee Families: A family from Afghanistan and a family from Congo (both families that Blacknall supports through World Relief) are in need of unprepared food items and items to entertain children. To provide support, contact Andrea Tshihamba.

COVID-19 Testing


If you or anyone you know:

  1. Have fever or lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past 14 days; OR

  2. Have fever and lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and a negative rapid flu test

Then you qualify to be Covid-19 tested. You do NOT need to be seen at ER/urgent care or their primary care office but rather call one of the number below. Do not call multiple numbers.

North Carolina COVID-19 Hotline:
866) 462-3821
24 hours, seven days a week

NC State Department of Health COVID-19 line:
888) 850-2684
24 hours, seven days a week

Duke Health COVID-19 Hotline:
(919) 385-0429
8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

UNC COVID-19 Helpline:
24 hours, seven days a week

These number are ONLY for patients who are concerned they have covid 19 and need to be screened and tested; not for general questions. UNC is opening ten new dedicated testing sites that will be open this coming week but you cannot walk in, you MUST call one of the phone numbers to set up your screening.  

Please continue to use social distancing, good hand hygiene and read the CDC guidelines.  

Blacknall COVID-19 Response Plan


3/28/20 Update: No Blacknall events through April 30th.


A note from Goodie Bell.

Dear Blacknall family,
These are strange times. Already, I feel your absence, and, yet, I am convinced that it is wisdom and love that keeps us apart. Blacknall’s Infectious Disease Response Team (IDRT) has warned us that even individuals who are relatively low risk and do not have symptoms can spread the virus to others. We are adjusting our life together as a congregation to protect our vulnerable members and to slow the spread of the virus in the community at-large. We do so out of love—not fear.
As the body of Christ, we have a vital and unique mission in the world. There is no substitute for the corporate gathering of believers in Christ’s name. Yet, there are manifold ways to bear witness to Christ and to encourage one another. You have already responded to the present restrictions with creativity: This weekend, the Blacknall Dance Group held a rehearsal over Zoom. Young Adults gathered for worship over Google Hangout. Someone offered me the peace of Christ in a text message. As Dave Stuntz put it, “We are not practicing social distancing. We are encouraging physical distance but social connection.”  
In order to make the necessary adjustments to our life together – and to allow the IDRT sufficient time to evaluate the rapidly changing public health situation – we have decided to extend the cancellation of all Blacknall activities until April 4th. (See below for further details on both large and small gatherings). This Lent, we will practice worshipping and connecting with each other in new and less familiar ways.
Be on the lookout for further information, updates, and announcements.
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Eph. 3:20-21)
In Christ,
On behalf of the Pastors (Allan Poole and David Dunderdale) & The Blacknall Infectious Disease Response Team (Jeff Baker, chair, Leslie Cenezy, Martha Carlough, Rich Frothingham, Margaret Frothingham, Joey Pointer, and Karl Umble)
Blacknall COVID-19 Response Plan, as of Monday, March 16:

  • We will not have corporate worship on Sunday March, 22 or Sunday, March 29.  We will provide a liturgy, including audio files of music and a sermon, for home use.

  • There will be no Blacknall events in the building through Saturday, April 4. This includes Sunday evening gatherings and the Wednesday Lenten services.

  • The Blacknall IDRT is researching the situation and hopes to prepare guidelines for small group meetings. However, until we make those guidelines available, we highly recommend that you take a pause from small groups and other in-person meetings. We encourage you to use Zoom, WebX, and other technologies to hold meetings virtually.  

  • Pay attention to the economic, social, and psychological repercussions of COVID-19 in the community at-large, and consider how we can love our neighbors during this time. The Durham Ministry and Engagement Team will provide more information. Here are some opportunities:

    • Donate food, money or volunteer to shop, pack or deliver meals with the Walltown Neighborhood Food bank.

    • Give extra support to Families Moving Forward and volunteer to cover our March 23 and 24 volunteer meal slots.  Contact Anne Paulson.

    • Donate to Meals on Wheels or the Interfaith Food Shuttle, which oversees the BackPack Buddies program for children who depend on school meals.

    • Sign up to be a “buddy” and make food bank deliveries to senior citizens in Walltown through School for Conversion.

Blacknall worship services cancelled 3/15-3/29


March 16 Update: All Blacknall events are cancelled through April 4.

A note from Allan Poole.

Dear Blacknall family,
Well, I never could have imagined this moment in which we find ourselves, faced with a pandemic whose threat seems to grow exponentially every day.  Just forty-eight hours ago I was wondering about the worry, with only seven cases reported in North Carolina.  Now, two days later, I am convinced that we need to take what might feel like dramatic action to deter the impact of the Corona virus, and to care for the many vulnerable ones in our midst.  I also am mindful of the fact that Blacknall’s congregation in particular has among its members those who collectively care for thousands of patients every week in our area health care facilities!  How can we best care for and support them so that they in turn can care for others?
A stellar team of Blacknall medical professionals with expertise in infectious disease and public health has worked tirelessly to lend their wisdom and guidance to us as we try to respond in a faithful way to the health challenge posed by this virus.  With their input, we have made the following decisions effective as soon as this coming Sunday about our congregational life.

  1. In a historic break with our commitment to weekly corporate worship, we will not have Sunday morning worship on March 15th or 22nd, during which time we will reassess the nature of the health threat posed by this corona virus. 

  2. In lieu of corporate gathered worship at Blacknall, there will be available via email and on the Blacknall website a liturgy of the Blacknall service, with written prayers, lyrics of hymns, and an audio file of Goodie Bell’s sermon for home and small group use.  I hope many of you might find some sense of connection in our shared, although fragmented, worship together.

  3. There will be no Blacknall events at Blacknall next week.  This includes the Sunday evening service and the Wednesday Lenten service.

  4. As many of you know, Evan and Lucy Cate lost their infant son, Moses David, earlier this week.  The service that was scheduled for this Sunday at 2.30pm has been postponed to a future date.  We are all grieving with the Cates and Dunderdales; I know you will find creative ways to express your love and support for them in this extraordinary moment. 

  5. Of course, we encourage you to stay at home if you are ill, and practice good habits of cleanliness, hand-washing and sanitizing.  And by all means, if you learn of someone else who needs help, please let us know in addition to any action you yourself might take!

Our hope in taking these measures is that we might contribute to a leveling out of the infection rate so that our health care workers will not be overwhelmed.  And of course, by taking precautions we are caring for each other so that all of us can care for those who have greater need.
We each have an important part to play.  As we feel the isolation that comes with limitations on our friendships and normal human interactions, we can pay more attention to those who are isolated and alone most of the time.  Are there ways in which we can be in closer touch with Blacknall neighbors near at hand? And other neighbors as well? There is lots of room for creativity as we turn our minds to the challenge before us.  Now is the time to do so.  
There will be unexpected gifts that come from this anxious time.  As we struggle with the unnatural practice of “social distancing” we will appreciate anew the fact that being made in the image of God means that we are by nature made for relationship with others.  And we are all suddenly aware of how easily we lose sight of our dependence as creatures; with that loss can come a certain presumption, accompanied by a loss of gratitude to our loving Father. In this crisis we are being reminded of some primary truths that give shape to our very lives.   
May the Holy Spirit equip us to “shine like stars in the universe” as we face this moment together in Christ.

Moses Cate Memorial Service Postponed


A note from Evan & Lucy Cate.

Dear friends and family,

We regret to inform you that, based on the worsening situation with the Coronavirus, we have decided to postpone our memorial service for Moses on Sunday. We do not know when the new date will be, but hopefully we can reschedule in the next month or two. 

We remain grateful for your love, encouragement, support and prayers as we grieve and remember Moses. We long to share his life and our grief with you in person soon.

In lieu of flowers we are asking that people give in Moses’ honor and memory to one of two different places: the Neonatal Special Gift Fund at the UNC Health Foundation (123 W. Franklin Street, Suite 510, Chapel Hill, NC 27516) to support babies and their families in the NICU where Moses received such wonderful care; or to a fund in Moses’ name to support World Vision’s work to help babies around the world who don’t have access to the care Moses did.

With love,
Evan and Lucy

POSTPONED - Dinner Honoring Single Adults


This event is postponed due to Coronavirus precautions.

Friday, March 20, 6:15 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

Register by March 18.

The Apostle Paul has high opinions on the merits of singleness (and he too "has the Spirit of God”)  so please come enjoy an evening of good food and friendly conversation. Chef Mike Kight and team, plus Congregational Care will host.

Contact: Margaret Frothingham.

CANCELLED - Lenten Contemplative Prayer Morning for Men & Women


This event is cancelled due to Coronavirus precautions.

Saturday, March 14, 9:45-12 p.m. | Upper Room

Register Here. For childcare, register by March 9.  

Do you long for quiet to spend time with God? Come to the Lenten contemplative prayer morning. Led by Anne Storelli and Janise Matyas Smith. Everyone is welcome to come enjoy a space away from distractions. Guidance will be offered through brief teaching and scripture reading. Contact: Margaret Frothingham.

Honduras VBS Report

The mission organization we serve operates a remote in clinic in the area of Honduras known as La Misquitia. The primary focus of our organization is to provide access to medical care for this underserved region through the use of small aircraft. But we also invest in the area spiritually and one of the ways we do that is an annual VBS event in January before the children begin their new school year in February.

Lenten Reading Group 


Tuesdays, March 3-April 7, 11:30-12:45 p.m.

“All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” The 14th-century English mystical writer, Julian of Norwich, wrote these mysterious words about God’s grace. Julian has much to teach us today about spiritual formation, suffering, who God is, and who we are as God’s beloved children. Join Goodie Bell and Grace Hamman for a reading group on A Revelation of Divine Love. All levels of familiarity are welcome. Contact: Goodie Bell

Ash Wednesday


Ash Wednesday Potluck Dinner
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 6 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Please bring a dish or side to share.

 Ash Wednesday Service 
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7 p.m. | Sanctuary
A  service marking the beginning of Lent, followed by the imposition of ashes.
Childcare through age 3. 

Additional Lenten Offerings

Lenten Reading Group 
Tuesdays, March 3-April 7, 11:30-12:45 p.m. | Parlor
“All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” The 14th-century English mystical writer, Julian of Norwich, wrote these mysterious words about God’s grace. Julian has much to teach us today about spiritual formation, suffering, who God is, and who we are as God’s beloved children. Join Goodie Bell and Grace Hamman for a reading group on A Revelation of Divine Love. All levels of familiarity are welcome. Contact: Goodie Bell

Lenten Contemplative Prayer Morning for Men & Women
Saturday, March 14, 9:45-12 p.m. | Upper Room
Led by Anne Storelli with Janise Matyas Smith. Components include a brief teaching on the practices of spiritual Examen and silence, Scripture reading (Lectio divina), solitude, and group reflection. $10 suggested for materials. Register Here. For childcare, register by March 9.  

Lenten Services
Wednesdays, March 4-April 1, 7 p.m. | Sanctuary