Coronavirus Preparedness


Dear Blacknall family,
With the ongoing news and heightened concern about the coronavirus, we want to touch base and assure the congregation that your wellbeing, including your health and safety, is very important to us and that Blacknall staff and officers are actively making preparation and readiness plans.  

There is currently only one confirmed coronavirus cases in the state of North Carolina (a Wake County resident who was visiting in Seattle), and we believe the immediate risk in our community is low. However, we want to be proactive.  In the children’s areas surfaces are being sanitized between services and hand sanitizer is readily available in every pew in the sanctuary. We have established a team a team of members with clinical and public health expertise, which is communicating regularly to assess the situation. We want to pay particular attention to those who might be most at risk, especially older adults and those who might need additional support. 
The best defenses against spreading coronavirus are those that we are already recommending: 
·       If you are sick (have a fever, cough, runny nose), stay at home.  In particular, please do not bring sick children to the nursery or Sunday School until they are completely well.  
·       Clean your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes.  Whether washing with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer, be sure to clean all of your hands, fingers, and nails
·       If you sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or your elbows rather than your hands.  Throw away tissue and clean your hands afterwards.
·       If you are sick and need prayer, please DO let the church office know.
·       Minimize hand-shaking and close contact during church gatherings.
Up to date information and recommendations are available on the Center for Disease Control website. North Carolina State Health Department can be reached via phone 24/7 at 919-733-3419 to coordinate care or testing for coronavirus if needed. 
Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and support as we work together for the health and safety of our community.

Allan Poole
(For Blacknall’s Church Preparedness and Infectious Disease Response Team: Jeff Baker, Martha Carlough, Rich Frothingham, Lance Okeke, and Karl Umble.)