A Pastoral Invitation to Prayer

In our life together, I have been convicted of two things lately, two things that I believe the Lord is inviting us to pray about. I would like to invite you to come together and pray about these two things.

The first is to pray that the Lord would work through us as individuals and as a congregation to bring people who don’t know Him to come to faith and claim Him as Savior and Lord. We are invited to pray that we would have stories to tell and to hear about people coming to believe the good news of Jesus Christ through us.

The second is to pray that we would grow in our understanding of and commitment to racial justice. We are invited to pray for Blacknall to grow in fulfilling God’s call on us to be ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:20) who in Jesus Christ are helping to break down the dividing walls of hostility in our world (Eph 2:14).

We are invited to pray for God to do what only God can do. Both of these pursuits are things that only God can do. We are invited to come together and pray and to see what God might do in us and through us.

You are invited to pray individually. Preferably, we would pray together. You are encouraged to find at least one or two others who would be willing to commit to a regular time to meet and pray, at least weekly. Pray at a time and location that works for you. Please let me know if you are praying so that we might be mutually encouraged in this work of prayer.

You are also invited to join a time of prayer on Zoom every weekday morning from 7 - 7:20 a.m. We will gather, centered around a piece of Scripture, and then spend our time in prayer to the Lord. (Zoom link is available on the Links page of Church Center. You must be logged in.)

We will begin this adventure in prayer on July 1 and continue it through the summer until Labor Day.

This may seem like an odd coupling of prayer concerns. Too often the church has been divided by separating those who care about seeing people come to faith in Christ from those who care about issues of racism and reconciliation. We believe both are integral to our mission as a church serving Christ at the corner of Perry and Iredell, and so we are invited to pray for them together as a witness to the fullness of the gospel. Let’s pray and see what God might do!

David Dunderdale