It Matters How You Tell the Story


By Matt & Alden Bridges

On Tuesday of Boys Discovery Week all 12 boys contributed to the building of a bulletin board for a community of Seniors under construction by Habitat for Humanity of Orange Co. But before we get to the construction part, the verse for the week was from Acts 1: “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” What does it mean to be a witness for the resurrected Jesus? Being a witness means telling that story; one of the things we talked about was that it matters how you tell the story; how do you make the story of Jesus real in this world of Judeas, Samarias, and the other ends of the earth? On Tuesday we talked and put into action this story by doing real things in service to other people. Our bulletin board turned out very real, and very good; the boys worked hard on assembly, nailing, and digging to get the whole thing constructed and installed in the one day. We installed it, at the community’s request, right next to the mailboxes so that announcements and other notices could benefit all 26 residents of Crescent Magnolia.

 Since I work for Habitat and my son was in the BDW troop, this project was a sort of a bring-your-work-to-your-son-at-church kind of experience. Alden helped work a bit behind the scenes in the planning and preparation. So I thought I would interview him to see what he thought about the whole project.

What was your favorite part about planning and building the board?
I think all the stations with all the different work. One station for painting and another for building the roof, then once we were all done; we went to the site where they were building the houses and the whole thing looked really really good.

How did it feel working so hard (especially digging those deep post holes) for someone else?
It felt like I was doing something good and that I was trying to help a community that needed it.

Do you think we were good witnesses to the people who will live in that community?
Yes. Being a witness means spreading the word of God even in places you don’t know. From the verse, it felt like I was working in “Samaria,” working somewhere that is not my home. 

What was your favorite part of the whole BDW?
Being able to help others and getting to know new friends. Also flying in an airplane (the boys got to fly with the Blacknall supported Missionary Air Group in Burlington). 

I think the picture of the group after installing the board speaks volumes to what this group accomplished and what good is possible when you as 12 boys to do some good in the name of our resurrected Lord.