Advent in the Library


By Mindy Lance

Prepare your heart for Christ's coming. Looking to focus on the real meaning of Christmas? The Blacknall Library can be a resource to help you and your family ready your hearts and minds for the celebration of God's gift. You can find children's storybooks and videos and Advent devotionals for all ages. Here are just a few from our collection:

For families:

  • A Jesus Christmas by Barbara Reaoch – Focuses on how God prepared the world for Jesus right from the beginning of creation.

  • The Way to the Manger by Jeff and Abbey Land – Walks through the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace with talking points and activities for families to enjoy together.

  • Good Dirt by Lacy Finn Borgo – Combines kid-friendly activities, daily devotionals and Bible readings, introducing the 12 classical spiritual disciplines as tools to work the soil of the soul.

For adults:

  • Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller – Guides readers through an illuminating journey into the surprising background of the Nativity story.

  • Night Visions by Jan Richardson – Draws readers into the quiet spaces of an often-frenzied season, beckoning us to encounter the God who dwells in darkness as well as in daylight.

  • The Meaning Is in the Waiting by Paula Gooder – Focuses on the spiritual practice of waiting. Advent is about learning to love the waiting, being expectant rather than urgent, keeping us focused on God in the present, rather than on an uncertain future.

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Pastor’s Letter | Allan Poole
Surviving the Holidays After a Loved One’s Death | Alice Wisler
A Letter of Thanks | Donna McBrite