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Today’s Music | Vocals: Jamie Turnage, Sarah Solie; Instruments: Kate Wilkin (viola), Matt Bridges (guitar), Bob Mutter (percussion)
Worship from Home
August 23, 2020
Lord God, we make our song Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. For you are omnipotent and you reign forever and ever. We come to worship you. The Kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of you, our Lord, and of your Christ, our Lord and Savior Jesus. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Amen.
Song | “Our Great God”
Eternal God, unchanging, mysterious and unknown;
Your boundless love, unfailing, grace and mercy shown.
Bright seraphim in ceaseless flight around Your glorious throne;
They raise their voices day and night in praise to You alone.
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!
Lord, we are weak and frail, helpless in the storm.
Surround us with Your angels, hold us in Your arms.
Our cold and ruthless enemy, his pleasure is our harm.
Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee before our sov’reign God.
Let ev’ry creature in the sea and ev’ry flying bird,
Let ev’ry mountain, ev’ry field and valley of the earth;
Let all the moons and all the stars in all the universe
Sing praises to the living God who rules them by His Word.
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!
Words and Music by Fernando Ortega and Mac Powell.
©2002 New Spring. CCLI #43066
Scripture Reading | Psalm 66
Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
make his praise glorious.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
So great is your power
that your enemies cringe before you.
All the earth bows down to you;
they sing praise to you,
they sing the praises of your name.”
Come and see what God has done,
his awesome deeds for mankind!
He turned the sea into dry land,
they passed through the waters on foot—
come, let us rejoice in him.
He rules forever by his power,
his eyes watch the nations—
let not the rebellious rise up against him.
Praise our God, all peoples,
let the sound of his praise be heard;
he has preserved our lives
and kept our feet from slipping.
For you, God, tested us;
you refined us like silver.
You brought us into prison
and laid burdens on our backs.
You let people ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water,
but you brought us to a place of abundance.
I will come to your temple with burnt offerings
and fulfill my vows to you—
vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke
when I was in trouble.
I will sacrifice fat animals to you
and an offering of rams;
I will offer bulls and goats.
Come and hear, all you who fear God;
let me tell you what he has done for me.
I cried out to him with my mouth;
his praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;
but God has surely listened
and has heard my prayer.
Praise be to God,
who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!
Song | “Good to Me”
I cry out for Your hand of mercy to heal me.
I am weak, and I need Your love to free me.
Oh Lord, my Rock, my strength in weakness,
Come rescue me, O Lord. (repeat)
You are my hope, Your promise never fails me;
And my desire is to follow You forever.
For You are good, for You are good,
For You are good to me.
For You are good, for You are good,
For You are good to me.
©1990 Craig Musseau, Mercy Publishing. CCLI #43006
Call to Confession
Beloved, the Good News is this: in Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Therefore, we don’t need to hide. We don’t need to pretend. We don’t need to live in denial. Because there is “therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” [Romans 8:1] So let us tell God the truth about our sin. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to convict us, shine his light on our sin, in his mercy. Come, let us kneel before the Lord in confession.
Prayer of Confession
Lord, we have strayed from your ways like lost sheep. Lord, we confess that sometimes we have strayed from you on purpose. We have seen your Way, heard your call to follow you, and we have been rebellious sheep that have run the opposite way. But too often we have simply followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. And we look up and find ourselves lost and alone and there is no health in us. Jesus, we confess that we are more lost than we know. In your mercy, pursue us and restore to us the joy of your salvation. It is in your name that we pray.
Assurance of Pardon
Beloved, it is true! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Amen? Amen!
Passing the Peace
May the peace of the Lord be with you.
Response: And also with you
Affirmation of Faith | Apostles Creed
We believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Children’s Blessing
With Pastor Goodie Bell.
Children’s Worship
If you would like to receive the Children’s Worship video email, please contact Beth Solie.
Proclamation of the Word | Pastor Allan Poole
“The Lord’s Prayer: Summary” - The sermon is provided above in video and audio format.
Song of Response | “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge,
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you;
you will find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory, bright unclouded,
there will be no need for prayer:
Rapture, praise and endless worship
will be our sweet portion there.
Words by Joseph Scriven, 1855. Music by Charles Converse, 1868.
Presenting Our Gifts | Online Giving
You are invited to respond to God’s Word by giving to the mission God has called us to at Blacknall. Your financial giving includes support of Pray for Blacknall missionaries Rich and Barb Leary and Pregnancy Support Services. Read their prayer requests here.
Prayers of Thanksgiving & Intercession | Prayer Requests
Lord, what a privilege it is for us to be able to carry everything to you in prayer. What a privilege it is to know that you are our Father and that you want us to come to you in prayer. We give you thanks that we can come boldly before your throne, knowing that you will accept us and hear us.
Lord, we pray for our nation, but not only for our nation. We pray for our nation and many others where there is distrust and polarization. We pray for those in our nation and in other nations who are poor, who are vulnerable. We pray for the refugees, for the widows and orphans.
Lord, we pray specifically for our city. We pray for our children in this season of turmoil. We pray for their education and that each child would have access to learn. We pray that you would help us to make sure that each child would be provided for. We pray for the parents and caregivers of our children. May our children receive the care they need. May we be a city that cares for one another.
And Lord, we pray for your mercy to rescue us from the virus. Protect us. Protect the most vulnerable. Help us to be wise and may you grant that a cure could be found, by your mercy.
We pray together:
For our civic leaders, that they would use their authority to safeguard the well-being and dignity of all. Lord, have mercy.
For those who are sick and alone (especially ________), may they know your healing, comfort and care. Lord, have mercy.
For those who provide care (especially ________), give them strength, courage, and rest. Lord, have mercy.
For educators (especially ________), give them wisdom and a renewed zeal to share what is good and true. Lord, have mercy.
For parents and families and for all those who care for children, (especially ________) equip them with patience and love. Lord, have mercy.
For those who are grieving (especially ________), may they lament and receive hope because of you. Lord, have mercy.
For the church, that our willingness to love others as neighbors would witness to your love and power in us. Lord, have mercy.
Let us pray as Jesus taught us: Our Father...
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever.
Song | “Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty”
We are Yours, Eternal Father,
Off’ring body, mind and heart.
Take and use us to Your glory,
Form Yourself in every part.
Lord, Your love brings joy and gladness
Flowing forth within our soul –
May our very breath and being
Rise to You, their source and goal.