Worship Announcements | April 19, 2020


  • We rejoice with Hanke & Wilco de Vries in the birth of their daughter Rivka Carla Elodie de Vries on April 10.



  • Gather for worship or Sunday school over zoom - As we strive to stay connected while apart, consider joining others virtually for Sunday morning worship or Sunday school. Details here.

  • Eastertide Daily Reflections & Writers - The Lenten reflections continue on into Eastertide! Written daily by Blacknall members and anchored to a Psalm. Would you like to write a reflection? More information here.


Special Mission Offering: $28,668
Thank you for your incredible generosity!

March Income Info
July 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020
Actual offerings: $1,149,330
Offering need: $1,235,428
Ahead/(behind): ($86,098)

There are multiple ways to give to Blacknall:

  • Checks mailed to the church office. Automatic bank drafts as a part of bill pay directed to Blacknall using your local bank.

  • Gifts of stock. Contact Rick Every or Carol Smith.

  • Online giving (including ACH, debit card, and credit card donations). Members can also schedule recurring online gifts when signed on to CCB. Details here.

About the Music 

One year ago, I wrote this for the Sunday after Easter: “By last Monday morning, every store selling “Easter merchandise” was holding a clearance sale.” Not so much this year, eh? But the point is the same: Once we have awakened the day after Easter, have we packed up our resurrection celebration like it’s a novelty decoration, only to be looked at for one day each year? Imagine the hosts of heaven leaning over the edge of the clouds (cmon, imagine!) in wonder and amazement to see Jesus walk out of the tomb. Do you suppose they only sang “Worthy is the Lamb!” for one day? Let the “Alleluia” of “Now Let the Vault” be roared! And when you get to sing “We Will Feast” let the musical exuberance lift your hearts in a different way. These days in the Hunkerdown Hotel are like living on a subsistence diet – but one day we will not weep, but feast, together. The tomb is still empty, and our days apart are numbered. Let the “alleluias” continue to resound. The feast is being prepared – so close, so very close…

Now let the vault of Heav’n resound

In praise of love that doth abound,
“Christ hath triumphed, alleluia!”
Sing, choirs of angels, loud and clear,

Repeat their song of glory here:
“Christ hath triumphed, Christ hath triumphed!”

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

We will feast in the house of Zion;
We will sing with our hearts restored;
He has done great things, we will say together;
We will feast and weep no more.