The Director of Congregational Care is responsible for promoting spiritual, emotional and
physical health of the congregation. Learn MoreBLACKNALL DANCERS
Begins Sunday, Sept 27, 4:30-5:30 p.m. All children 1st-5th grade are welcome. We meet outside, socially distanced, with masks. If you're interested, please fill out this form.
Do you have a photo of worshiping from home, gathering over zoom, or another creative way of sharing life? Please send them to Mary Grimm.
A forum/exchange to support one another at Blacknall with items for sale, loan, or free; housing or job postings; and community events or opportunities.
Pray for Maureen Peterson in the death of her father on September 10.
Pray for the Reeder-Hayes family in the death of Mark’s father on September 14.
Pray for Blacknall missionaries 'Ale & Lynn VanderWoude 'Aho, (pictured above) with YWAM in the South Pacific nation of Tonga. Lynn is a physician assistant, committed to holistic ministry to build physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy individuals, families and communities. 'Ale is a member of Team Xtreme (featuring amazing feats of strength), challenging youth to commit their lives to Christ. On a recently completed “Discipleship Training School,” Lynn writes, “ The team went to one of our outer islands for their 3-month outreach and had a marvelous time seeing the Lord use them, despite their youth, to love and bless and pray for EVERY ONE OF THE over 200 people on the government's list of elderly and/or disabled people in the outer islands group of ‘Ha'apai’." Specific prayer items: (1) the Discipleship Training School’s graduates to grow in their relationship to Christ, as they work with Lynn and Ale over the next 6 months; (2) wisdom to know how to lead them toward spiritual maturity; (3) Fungani’s homeschooling and spiritual growth; (4) Tonga to remain Covid-free; (5) Lynn’s role in health promotion and Covid-prevention activities.
I recall many years ago hearing a sermon positing that all of Scripture hinged on these three words, from Genesis 12: “So Abram went.” This is the beginning of the long narrative of God creating and calling a people for the fundamental purpose expressed in Isaiah 43, “You are My witnesses, that I am God.” What we call “the gospel”, the message about the inbreaking Kingdom of God through the person and work of Jesus, could be contained in even fewer words: “But God.” The first paragraph of Ephesians 2 lays it out perhaps more clearly and powerfully than any other passage. Paul quickly declares our condition before (“you were dead”) and after (“made alive…raised…seated on high”), separated by that tiny phrase, but God. If any in his audience were of the opinion that they could somehow work their way out of sin’s grave, “but God” makes it clear that He alone has the vision, the heart, the power, the grace. As the old movie line says, we weren’t mostly dead in our sins, we were “most sincerely” dead. That portion of Ephesians is expressed well in the vibrant song, “How Great is Your Love.” Don’t let the sheer fun of the music obscure the message; take time to look at it carefully. Bow your head in reverent thanks, then raise your arms and voice together in joyful song. Dead in sin…BUT GOD…alive in Christ. Thanks be to God!