Today - Invitations to Prayer | Sunday, Sept. 13
4 p.m. - Pray for all of our missionaries and for the spread of God’s Kingdom around the world. 6:30 p.m. - Pray for our friends with Congo Initiative (one of Blacknall’s Deep Common Journeys) Zoom Links on CCB homepage.
Director of Congregational Care Job Opening
The search committee hopes to find a person who will not only extend care to those in need, but will encourage all at Blacknall to engage in one another’s lives in meaningful ways. Learn More
Photos of Life Together While Apart
Do you have a photo of worshiping from home, gathering over zoom, or another creative way of sharing life? Please send them to Mary Grimm. Thanks to Jillian Marcantonio for the above photo of a young adult gathering.
A forum/exchange to support one another at Blacknall with items for sale, loan, or free; housing or job postings; and community events or opportunities.
Prayer & Thanksgiving
Pray for missionaries Rollin & Wendy Grams, with United World Mission. Charlotte. theological education. On just one of Rollin’s many and varied missionary projects, he writes, “The PhD program of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life has continued to develop. There are now so many students in their studies that three South African universities are working with us.” Specific prayer requests: (1) relief for Rollin from his chronic back pain; (2) protection of their partners in South Africa from the virus and healing for those who are infected; (3) Rollin’s course on Interpreting the New Testament, which he will start preparing this month; (4) the ability to provide educational resources for various training levels at an affordable price; (5) those who are engaged in online training at Port Elizabeth.
Pray for Blacknall supported missionaries using the September Prayer Guide.
About the music
It’s such a powerful statement, with significant implications for our lives: “The eye is the lamp of the body.” (Matthew 6:22) One of the ways to think about this: that which fills your eye, fills your mind…and your soul. Look at Psalm 73 for an example of this from more than 2500 years ago. The writer is absorbed by the behavior of those he calls “arrogant and wicked.” He waxes eloquent about the depths of their badness which seems on display (to him, at least) in numerous ways. But the bottom line might be surprising: the psalmist seems most distressed by the unfairness of it all; “when I tried to understand all this, it troubled me greatly.” (v16) He realizes that he has damaged his core – “My spirit was embittered; I was senseless and ignorant, a brute beast…” (v22) And then the simple but saving act of lifting his eyes to the Lord – “Yet I am always with You…You guide me by Your counsel…” (v24) Our society is fractured, obsessed with pointing how bad “they” are, how unfair it is that “they” are allowed to do whatever it is that “they” do. If only they would listen to me! “God is the strength of my heart” is a verse that reminds us to “seek the Lord while He may be found,” to “sing to the Lord a new song, even praise unto our God.” We were made to worship Him; the goal of our soul is to be in His presence, to be worshipers of the one called “Fairest Lord Jesus.” Singing such songs is nourishing for our souls. Let the words draw you to the feet of the “beautiful Savior, Lord of the Nations.”
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,
O Thou of God and man the Son,
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul’s Glory, Joy, and Crown.
Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, praise, adoration,
Now and forevermore be Thine!
Faith & Votes | Sept. 14, 5:30 p.m.The world is buzzing with issues and questions of human rights, global public health, climate change, the education system…, and all in an election year. How should people of Christian faith think about these issues that face our country and the world? Duke Professor of Political Science Kyle Beardsley and Founder and Director of the Institute for Public Trust Frank Hill will discuss how their Christian faith informs their engagement as voters. Details here.
Duke Divinity School Theology Medicine and Culture Seminars
These semi-monthly seminars are a regular gathering of faculty, students, clinicians, and others interested in the intersections of theology, medicine, and culture. Due to COVID-19, our seminars will be held online during 2020-21. We are excited to announce the availability of continuing education credit in association with our TMC Seminar Series. More details here.
Participating in the census shapes our future!
Census results inform how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding are allocated to more than 100 programs. It shows where Durham needs new schools, clinics, roads and services for families. Durham’s current rate of participation is about 60%. We only have until Sept 30 to bring that number up. Increasing participation in the census, particularly with undercounted groups, is a Christian task because it is a direct tool to equitably put resources where they are truly needed.
How can Blacknall help get everyone counted?
Do your census, if you haven’t yet:
Help friends/family who need help figuring it out/getting it done. (Yes, you can do it in non-English languages online and/or you can do it over the phone!)
Post about the census in your networks, especially networks working with under counted groups, ex. Meals on Wheels or Habitat for HumanityPost on social media. Click here for some possible posting options. Use the hashtags #MakeNCCount #DurhamCounts
Work as a paid census worker, or share the idea with a job-hunting friend.
Reach out to the census to see where else they may need help.