Bulletin 12.19.21


Sunday, Dec. 19

  • Folk Service of Lessons & Carols | 8:30 and 11 a.m. | Sanctuary and Livestream

    A special Sunday worship service where we travel together through the epic story of the incarnation via scripture and song.

  • Worship on the Longest Night | 6:45 p.m. | Sanctuary and Livestream

    A contemplative service pointing to hope in the midst of sorrow and suffering. Prelude music by Silver Strings Harps. Limited childcare for ages four and under is available.

Friday, Dec. 24

  • Outdoor Christmas Eve Service | 11 a.m. | Under the Oaks (714 Iredell St.)

    In an effort for all ages to explore the incarnation, we’re continuing the new tradition we started in 2019 and again offering a 45-minute service at 11 a.m. It’s open to all and we hope it will be particularly inviting to families with younger children. No childcare provided so that we have lots of youthful and joyful singing as we worship together! Rain plan: 11 a.m. worship will be held indoors, thus the cap of 150 seats. If clear skies are forecasted, we will add more spots to increase outdoor capacity. Please check our home page after after noon on Thursday.

  • Sanctuary Christmas Eve Services | 5 & 7 p.m. (5 p.m. service will be livestreamed)

    Join us for caroling, communion and candlelight to welcome the newborn King. Limited childcare for ages four and under is available at the 5 p.m. service.

Sunday, Dec. 26

  • Worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m. No childcare, children’s church or Sunday School.

Sunday, Jan. 2

  • Worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m. No childcare, children’s church or Sunday School.

Sunday, Jan. 9

  • Spring semester of Sunday School classes begins


  • Christmas is coming!

    Please register for Christmas Eve services and childcare (5 p.m. service only). View the full calendar of ways we will gather together this Advent season to wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior. Download the Community Caroling Songbook to sing your way through the season! (Hard copies are available in the narthex). Pick up this year’s Advent Devotional at church (in the narthex or upper atrium) or download a copy for printing at home or viewing on your device. Listen to our Advent Spotify Playlist, full of songs to accompany you during your Adventian journey to Bethlehem.

  • Church Office closed between Christmas and Dec. 30.

    The church will be closed and the administrative and program staff will be on leave from Dec. 27-30. Our financial administrator, Carol Smith, will be in the office on Friday, Dec. 31 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. to receive checks.

Mission Offering Results

In November we held our Annual Mission Offering to go towards caring for the people of Afghanistan—here in Durham and in Afghanistan.  The offering is designated for three organizations.  World Relief Durham and Samaritan Health Center are organizations here in Durham that are caring for the needs of recent refugees from Afghanistan who are now living in Durham.  The third organization is International Assistance Mission which supports and works providing relief and care for the Afghan people in Afghanistan, working with indigenous people on the ground.

We thank God for the congregation’s generous response of over $28,000 towards this work.  This amount will be divided equally between these three organizations and we pray that it will help to demonstrate to the Afghan people that our God knows, loves, and cares for them.  Thank you!

A Message of Hope

Pastor Dave Dunderdale writes “In this season of Advent, I find myself looking for signs of hope.  One of the most surprising, but also recurring, signs of hope for me comes from our brothers and sisters in Beni, Eastern Congo.  Listen to these words of hope from David Kasali:

"For us in Africa, the vibrancy of our faith is watered by suffering, lamentation, resilience, hope, prayer and worship.”  

Our friends at Congo Initiative exhort us: “For those who follow Jesus, to proclaim the message and truth of the Gospel is to proclaim that all things can be redeemed, renewed, transformed.  It takes faith.  It takes hope.  Yet, for hope to be more than mere optimism, it has to be grounded, willing to face all odds, inclusive of action, and driven by the core belief that things can change for the better.”

Our friends invite us into a “vibrant faith.”  This vibrant faith is made visible in the stories they tell:

  • When a suffering and stigmatized Ebola survivor finds rest and renewed dignity at Bethesda Counseling.

  • When the lamentations of an eleven year old girl who saw her sister killed by rebels is turned into a counseling degree to support and heal others from their traumatic wounds.

  • When resilience is demonstrated by a sixteen year old girl who never had the opportunity to attend school, learns to read and write for the first time.

  • When Congo’s future is heard in the voices and laughter of primary school children.

  • When the prayers of a people are answered with the protection of loved ones in the face of armed groups.

  • When worship by University students creates an environment of community and hope.

What stories can we tell?  Our brothers and sisters in Congo (click here for more info) invite us to join them in this vibrant faith — to hope and believe that creating lasting change in one of the most forgotten corners of the world—and at the corner of Perry & Iredell—is possible.  Emmanuel.  God is with us.

Finance Update

We are grateful for the generosity of our congregation. Here is a summary of our offerings and expenses for the first five months of the current fiscal year:

 (July 1 to November 30, 2021)

Offerings                                           $531,041

Expenses                                           $688,328

Offerings minus Expenses            <157,287>

We typically fall behind at this time of year, and catch up by the end of December. This Table shows our deficit or surplus each month over the past 5 years. Our current deficit of $157,287 is similar to last year at this time, and a bit larger than previous years. We have reserves set aside to cover gaps such as this one, and we have finished each of the past 5 years with a surplus. Our overall financial status remains strong.

December giving will be important as always for our continued financial health. This would be a great time to consider your plans for year-end giving. There are multiple ways to give to Blacknall:

·        Automatic bank drafts from your bank using bill pay directed to Blacknall. This normally incurs no charge for you or Blacknall.

·        Online giving at blacknall.org. (debit and credit card donations). Members can schedule recurring online gifts when signed on to CCB.

·        Checks mailed to the church office. Gifts postmarked by December 31 will be included in calendar year 2021.

·        Cash or check brought to the church office. Gifts received by noon on Friday, December 31 will be included in calendar year 2021.

·        Gifts from your IRA account, or gifts of stock. Contact Carol Smith. Please initiate your gift by December 23 for inclusion in calendar year 2021.

Details for all these options are available at blacknall.org. Contact Rich Frothingham with any questions.

Community Announcements

  • Support Reality and other local ministries!

    Mention "Tastiest Town Profit Share" when ordering from these restaurants and they'll donate a percentage of the cost of your meal to one of the following local charities. Eat at Bull and Bean on Dec. 19 to support Urban Ministries; Alpaca on Ninth Street on Dec. 21 to support Reality Ministries Cafe; and/or ZenFish (any of 3 locations) on Dec. 22 to support the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. Follow @TastiestTown on Instagram learn more and to be entered to win a gift card from one of these incredible restaurants, too! It will be a super easy (and yummy) way to do some good this holiday season; please spread the word!

  • Abundant Joy Center for Women's Ministries

    Abundant Joy CWM serves women who are experiencing a difficult time. Our services are free and confidential and include one-on-one counseling to women 18 and over, support groups, and Bible study groups. We are offering the following groups in the Winter of 2022. Women can register for a group at abundantjoycwm@gmail.com or call 919-943-0789 for more information.

    • Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin on Tuesday morning 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., January 18 - March 15.

    • Prayer Group for Mothers of Adult Children on the first and third Wednesday afternoon of the month 1-2:30 p.m., February 2 - April 13.

    • Basic Peer Counseling Training will be offered for anyone interested in volunteering as a peer counselor or group facilitator. An application will need to be completed as well as an interview with Priscilla, the Center Director, before taking this class. The class will be offered on Thursday morning 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., February 3 - April 21.

Love and Serve

  • Meal trains

  • Iglesia Emanuel Food Pantry

    Volunteer at the Iglesia Emanuel Food Pantry. Not comfortable gathering? Sign up to bag rice and beans from home.

  • Walltown Neighborhood Ministries Food Bank

    Volunteer at the Walltown Neighborhood Ministries Food Bank.


Durham—We pray for the ministry of Urban Ministries of Durham and its Executive Director, Sheldon Mitchell. We pray for this organization as they provide shelter, clothing, and food for the homeless in Durham. We pray for wisdom for decisions about how to offer these services in this season of COVID. We pray especially for capacity to provide shelter in this season with colder nights. We pray for protection for the clients and the staff from COVID and we pray for encouragement for the staff.

Campus & National—We pray for Stephanie Holmer, on staff with InterVarsity working with Graduate Students and Faculty at Duke.  Stephanie shares that she is thankful for: 1) In-person ministry with outdoor meals and Friday night gatherings; 2) Impactful events at these Friday night gatherings; 3) Small groups including a book study and a weekly Bible study whose attendance continues to grow; 4) Sharing what’s on her heart as she has taken more opportunities to speak at student gatherings;

She asks for prayer for: 1) Her physical health as she has had several serious physical health issues this semester; 2) Two students, one questioning Christianity and how it connects with what she is learning in grad school; and the other who is facing a challenging time with mental health and depression; 3) Planning for a prayer service next semester in collaboration with World Relief Durham on behalf of our neighbors who are marginalized because of their immigration status.

International—We pray for Blacknall global workers Rollin & Wendy Grams doing theological education with United World Mission based in Charleston, SC.  Thank God their daughter, Rachel, who had a very bad fall in August seems to have healed for the most part. 

Please pray for Wendy who needs cataract surgery as a result of her glaucoma last year.  Both eyes will need surgery, hopefully next month.  It is more complicated than a typical cataract surgery. Please pray for two daughters-in-law, both of whom are expecting next year. They are currently on sabbatical which is helping with Rollin’s intense, chronic neck pain.  He reports, “While the workload is still heavy, it is not the same pressure.”  In addition to the research and writing Rollin is doing for the sabbatical, He is also regularly involved with various degree programs at the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life. 


  • We pray for the family of Jo Oldham who died Dec. 2A memorial service will be held in late January.

  • We pray for Martha Gore on the death of her sister on Dec. 1.

  • We pray for Heidi & Ray Hackney on the death of Heidi’s mother on Nov. 21

  • We pray for the family of Margaret Scearce, a longtime member of Blacknall, who died Nov. 21. 

  • We pray for those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus, over 800,000 in the U.S.


  • We rejoice with Artie & Elizabeth Kamiya and their family on their 45th wedding anniversary yesterday, Dec. 18.


  • We pray for Bethany & Noe Kasali in Beni, DRC, who are expecting their new baby to arrive any day now.  Pray for a safe delivery for Bethany and the baby.

  • We pray for Timothy Olonade, a global worker that Blacknall just recently began supporting, who works in Nigeria and was badly hurt when run over by a 3-wheeled taxi-cycle.

  • We pray for Jim Tuttle, Jennifer Sider’s fiancé, diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemo treatment.

  • We continue to pray for the release of the 12 missionaries and their driver in Haiti.  We thank God for the release of 3 more of these hostages.  We pray for a cessation of the violence and chaos in Haiti.

  • We continue to pray for Mikail, our Afghan neighbor who was able to get out of Afghanistan last week but was unable to bring his wife and 6 children with him.  Pray for good favor with the U.S. government that his wife and children would be able to receive visas so that they can join him here in Durham.  Pray for safety for his family while they remain in Afghanistan.

Life Together

  • We pray for the Service for the Longest Night tonight.  We pray that it might bring comfort and hope to those who are grieving and in need of light in these dark times.  We pray for our neighbors who would not normally come to church but who will come for this.

  • We pray for the Christmas Eve services on Friday, that the good news would be proclaimed and that God would be glorified.

  • We pray for Beth Solie and Leslie Petree as they work with our children and nursery.  We pray that we all might respond to the need to provide care for our children.  We pray that our children would feel loved, cared for, and that they are an integral part of our life together.  We pray for wisdom and clarity for Beth and Leslie.

  • We give thanks for our new members: Matt & Stephanie Brennan, Jim & Sandra Hagood, Allie Hargrove, David & Judy Mitchell, Mary Elise Nolen, Kaitlyn Schiess, and Rob & Jennifer Witman.

  • We pray for our continued searches for a Communications & Program Coordinator and a Choir Director.