Young Adult

Filtering by: Young Adult

to Aug 18

Young Adult Fellowship

This summer the Young Adults will re-examine classic childhood Bible stories! Attendees can sign up to tell and lead a discussion about their chosen Bible story and may compare their childhood and adult questions and gleanings. There is no requirement to have grown up in the church! We wish to take seriously Jesus’ call to enter the kingdom “as a child.” We will refer to children’s Bible storytellers like VeggieTales and the Jesus Storybook Bible. Join us!

Leader/Primary Contact: Suzanne Pape
Additional Leaders: Ruthie Owens, Gurney Buchanan, Andrew McGannon, and Olivia Fain

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to May 19

Young Adult Fellowship

Come join the Young Adults in the Parlor at 10 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship, and study together. Over this semester, we will be discussing Chris Rice’s book “From Pandemic to Renewal,” reflecting on a Lenten devotional, and studying a book of the Bible together. We would love to have you!

Leader/Primary Contact: Allie Hargrove
Additional Leaders: Andrew McGannon, Olivia Fain, and Goodie Bell

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to Dec 17

Young Adult Fellowship

Young Adults (and friends) meet for Sunday School each week to provide mutual support and prayer for one another — so that we will not walk this journey of discipleship alone.

For the fall, the Young Adults read and reflect on Scripture together. We will start with the book of James. Please join us!

Leader/Primary Contact: Allie Hargrove
Additional Leaders: Goodie Bell and Andrew McGannon

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to Aug 20

Young Adult Fellowship

Young Adults (and friends) meet for Sunday School each week to provide mutual support and prayer for one another — so that we will not walk this journey of discipleship alone.

This summer, we will begin a new series on Christian decision-making and hospitality. How can we, as young adults, live in compassion with service and generosity when time and resources are so limited? We will be inviting members of the congregation to speak on topics such as: marriage, buying a home, questions of vocation, adult friendships, etc.

Leader/Primary Contact: Allie Hargrove
Additional Leaders: Goodie Bell and Andrew McGannon

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to May 21

Young Adult Fellowship

Young Adults (and friends) meet for Sunday School each week to provide mutual support and prayer for one another—so that we will not walk this journey of discipleship alone.

This spring, we are beginning a new series on the lives of saints. We will discuss Christians who have lived before, or alongside us, who serve as testimonies of discipleship. We hope to learn from these examples of faithfulness —both ancient and modern. We will ask the question: In our own time and circumstances, what can these saints teach us about living well? Young adults (and friends of young adults) are welcome to join.

Primary Contact: Allie Hargrove
Additional Leaders: Goodie Bell and Olivia Fain

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