Warren Gould

I first attended Blacknall when dating Becky (now my wife), the daughter of former pastor Ed Henegar. I'm thankful that God brought me into that family and this congregation, and when Becky and I returned with our three sons to Durham in 2008, we were thrilled to resume our life at Blacknall. I continue to marvel how Jesus, my risen Savior, called me by name and has led me through times of joy and trial to an ever-deepening, prayerful walk with and desire for sanctification in Him.

I’m grateful for and encouraged by the fellowship of Blacknall brothers in Men’s Ministry, participating in Bible Study Fellowship, singing in the choir, and the rich insights and new relationships gained through co-teaching a currently paused Christian poetry Sunday school class. I feel the Lord’s call to kingdom work that weds sharing the gospel message of transformation possible only through Jesus and the care for all image-bearers’ flourishing. My main involvement in this regard is serving on the planning team and helping design book studies for the Mount Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice, a Blacknall ministry partner.

A long-time school administrator, I’m energized by and have a lot of experience designing processes for and participating in strategic planning, supporting personnel, and managing organizational growth and change. Beyond the blessing of returning to the Session generally, I’d be excited to engage with fellow elders in helping guide our church in this particular season of transition.