Rachel Stine

My connection to Blacknall began in 2020, when I was invited to join a women’s small group. Though I was not yet attending the church, this weekly gathering became a huge gift to me and greatly encouraged my faith. Two years later, and as the needs of my family changed, it became clear that Blacknall was a church where we could both serve and grow in our faith.

My husband, Nat, our two young adult sons, Caleb and Levi, and I have been attending Blacknall since July of 2022. I continue to participate with my small group, have assisted with summer Sunday School, and this past year joined the wonderful teaching team for the Bugs class. I love teaching these brilliant four- and five-year-olds and experiencing the truths of our faith along with them.

I look forward to serving Blacknall as a deacon. I am eager to help visitors and new members find places of connection in our church body and support members during times of struggle and difficulty. I find great joy in being the hands and feet of Jesus and believe that how we take care of each other as a congregation reflects His heart to our city and our world.