In September 2022, the Session began asking all active members to serve in the Nursery four times per year. We transitioned from an opt-in policy for volunteers to an opt-out system of nursery service. After completing the necessary paperwork, you will have the option to select your dates and times or the Nursery staff will schedule you where there are gaps.


You also have the option to Opt Out


Message from Pastor Goodie Bell

Resources for Volunteers

Video Tutorials for Planning Center - Services

1.) Creating a Password & Blocking Out Dates

2.) Sign Up for Dates To Serve in the Nursery

3.) Scheduling Preferences with Family Members

Blacknall Member Nursery Service FAQs

  • Members will be asked to serve at least four (4) times over the course of a year.

  • The Nursery schedule is hosted online. You will be given information about how to gain access to the schedule once your screening process is completed.

  • Both options are available. There will be open windows when you can both pick your preferred dates and times to serve and block out dates when you know you are not available. You will only need to schedule approximately four months in advance.

    However, once that window has closed and if you have not chosen any dates, we will assign you to four of the slots that you have not blocked out.

  • Yes. When you select the dates you want to serve, you can also choose which class you’d like to serve in: “Lambs/Bears” (birth to 11 mos.), “Fish” (2 yrs.), or “Birds” (3 yrs.).

  • We know that life happens. When a last minute conflict arises, we ask that you find someone else on the schedule to swap with. Our online scheduling platform makes it easy to see when other volunteers are scheduled. You can then reach out to those individuals to see if they could swap with you.

  • Yes. When you select your dates online, you can edit your preferences so that you and your spouse and/or family member will be scheduled for those same dates and times.

  • Yes, unless you have undergone a background check for the church in the last five years. As outlined in Blacknall's Abuse Prevention Policy, we conduct basic background checks on all Nursery workers over the age of 16. Checks are run through a third-party company called Checkr to ensure that sensitive and private information is secure with the best available technology.

    No background check can or will be run without your written permission.

  • You do not need to be vaccinated to work in the Nursery. However, you will be required to wear a mask.

  • You will not be required to change diapers! There are always enough experienced people around to change diapers if that makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • We love having youth from our congregation in the Nursery rooms! We invite anyone in 6th grade or older to come and participate in this ministry.

  • Yes! There are always enough goldfish crackers and animal crackers to go around.

  • Yes. We understand that some of our members will want to opt out for a variety of reasons. We do expect all active members to prayerfully consider their decision and to notify us of their intention, whether it be to serve or opt out. You will receive communication about how you can express your decision to opt out (please do not email the Nursery staff with this information).




Goodie Bell| | Pastor