Join us for a Durham Mini-Retreat! The leader of our gathering is Margot Starbuck, an author and speaker who has been a part of the Blacknall family since 2001. She will share candidly her own story and the ways the Lord has brought healing. She’ll invite us into practical ways to honor the joys and sorrows in our own past. We’ll ask the Lord to show us what is untrue and what is more true about the things we believe about ourselves so that we can see the truth of Jesus in each of our stories. We’ll trust that God is with us and for us as we open our hearts to receive insight, healing, and maybe even a little laughter.
We'll gather at Blacknall at 7 pm on Friday for dessert and fellowship and to hear Margot's story. On Saturday morning, we'll be back together at church for a light breakfast, another message from Margot, and time to talk to each other. There will be a Lunch Lotto for those interested. (We'll put you in a group and assign the group to a cool Durham lunch spot.) And we'll gather again on Saturday evening at Bell Farm for dinner, worship, and fellowship. (We can help work out carpools!)
Even if you can come for only part of the weekend, please join us! Register here.