David and Erin Pervis serve with MTW in Athens, Greece.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall after the second service on Sunday, April 23 for a potluck lunch with Blacknall-supported global workers David & Erin Pervis. Please bring a dish to share if you are able.
David and Erin serve with Mission to the World (MTW), the global missions-sending agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). From 1999 to 2012, they served on the MTW church-planting team in Sofia, Bulgaria, and from 2012 to 2017 on the church-planting team in Kyiv, Ukraine, using English instruction as an avenue for evangelism and discipleship.
Currently, the Pervises have been assisting a Greek evangelical church in an Athens suburb caring for Middle Eastern refugees. Through English lessons, Bible studies, and special events, they express the love of Christ to these refugee families. Helping with worship and community outreach at their church, and volunteering with a Greek anti-trafficking organization is also part of their ministry.