Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner Reality Ministries is hosting a Volunteer Gathering on Monday, August 29 from 6-7:30 p.m. for both current volunteers and those who are interested in volunteering to learn more about what Reality is all about! The gathering will meet, weather permitting, in the parking lot of Reality Ministries (916 Lamond Ave., Durham, NC 27701). You may contact Blacknall member Taylor Brennan at with any questions.
Slate of Nominees To Be Voted on This Sunday
We are pleased to announce the slate of nominees for the Officer Nominating Committee to be voted on at this Sunday’s Congregational Meeting. The nominees are Maria Bradshaw, Margaret Frothingham, Brian Mitchell, Tanya Moore, and Christian Pikaart. There are five nominees and church members may choose up to five individuals on their ballots. Please note that you must be a member and attend in person to vote.
Summer Reading Program Closes a Chapter With Great Results!
Blacknall’s KIDS 4 KIDS Summer Reading Program ended with a bang. Blacknall kids read a grand total of 337 books this summer! That means the Blacknall Library will donate 34 books for kids at Families Moving Forward. Kids, we'll celebrate the awesome results of your reading in Sunday School on August 28. Thanks for being part of helping other kids be able to read great books. Keep reading!
Nursery Sign-Up Sheet Is Now Open! (Closes August 31)
The September-December Nursery Schedule Sign-Up Sheet is now open! Please login to Services and block out the dates you are unavailable to serve and/or sign up for your preferred date(s). We are asking all nursery workers to sign up for at least ONE date during this fall period. The sheet will close on August 31.
If you are a Blacknall member who did not opt out of Member Nursery Service, you will be assigned your date(s) if you do not choose any by August 31.
August 29: Day of Prayer & Fasting for the Senior Pastor Search
The Session has designated a day of prayer and fasting for the Blacknall community on Monday, August 29 as we enter into a critical time in our Senior Pastor search. We invite you to prayerfully consider fasting on that day, then joining the elders and deacons in the Community Room from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. for worship and prayer (the time normally set aside for 5th Monday Prayer).
Welcome Kat Burgett, Blacknall’s Interim Youth Ministry Associate!
We are excited to announce the hiring of Kat Burgett as our Interim Youth Ministry Associate. We are excited about this addition to our staff as Kat will help to coordinate our youth ministry during this interim period while we seek to fill the youth pastor position. Kat is scheduled to start August 28.
BSF Offering a Men's Fall Bible Study at Blacknall
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), a Blacknall partner, invites all men to a weekly, fall Bible study beginning Mon., Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. The study, “People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided,“ will unpack a fascinating period in Israel’s history across 15 books, from its split into two nations, through dozens of kings and prophets, and ultimately to the heartbreaking exile into Babylon. The group will meet at Blacknall in the Fellowship Hall.
“Jesus and the Disinherited” 7-Week Book Discussion
The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice invites you to a seven-week book discussion on Howard Thurman's seminal classic, “ Jesus and the Disinherited.” The discussion group will meet on Tuesdays from 6:30-8 p.m., Sept. 13 - Oct. 25. Registration is now open.
Abundant Joy Women's Center Fall Groups
Abundant Joy is offering several small groups that will meet throughout the fall beginning in early September. Women can register for a group by emailing or calling 919-943-0789.
Member Nursery Service Deadline is Today! (Aug.7)
Blacknall members! Today, Sun., Aug. 7 is the deadline for notifying the church of your intention to serve in the Nursery or opt out. Please do so if you have not already submitted your response by going here.
Olaru Baptism Fri., August 12
Quaranta Baptism Sun., August 14 at St. John's
The Blacknall family is invited to the baptism of Luke Quaranta on Sunday, August 14 at 1 p.m. Luke will be baptized by immersion at St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church (917 Onslow St, Durham, NC 27705). Please join Luke and his parents Stacey & Brian Quaranta for this celebration of new life in Christ.
Two Opportunities to Welcome Incoming International Students to Duke
Blacknall Member Nursery Service
If you are a member of Blacknall, please expect an email coming to you today, Sunday July 24 about the new expectation around serving in the Nursery. You can also find more information here.
Helping with Home Setup for Refugee Family
Blacknall friends of refugees! We are currently on World Relief’s list to provide an apartment setup for a refugee family. We don’t have a date yet, but if you’re thinking of updating any home furnishings, please hang on to them to donate soon. More details about the setup and volunteering will be posted as soon as they are available. If you want to be on the refugee volunteer mailing list, please send your contact info to Andrea Tshihamba.
Don’t Delay! Register for the Men’s Fall Retreat by July 30
All men are invited to attend the Men’s Fall Retreat and are highly encouraged to register by July 30. The men will gather to study, pray, worship, and recreate in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina on Oct. 28-30 in Montreat, NC.
While the retreat may seem far away, getting an accurate number of registrants by July 30 will ensure that we have enough spots for everyone who wants to go.
Post-Abortion Bible Study
Church Office Is Closed July 1st & 4th
Registration for the Congregational Conversations Is Now Open!
Please go here for more information about these conversations and to register. Conversations are open to all Blacknall members and attenders (including youth in 9th grade or above). Everyone is encouraged to sign up for two sessions, one in July and one in August.
Moving Help for the Stulac Family
Please consider helping the Stulac family this Saturday, June 25, 1-4 p.m.. They are moving to Caronport, Saskatchewan and need your help loading their moving truck. They have many boxes of books as well as furniture to load. Their address is 4305 White Cliff Lane Durham, NC, 27712. If you have any questions, please contact Stu.