Announcements — Blacknall

Thank You from the Timmises


A note from Patrick & Catherine Timmis

Dear Blacknall family, 

We have successfully completed our move to Michigan, where Patrick will begin a teaching job this year. We’re having difficulty putting into words how much Blacknall’s love and support has meant to us during our time in Durham. You took care of us physically, spiritually, and emotionally during an overwhelming and daunting time in our life. You have been Christ to us. We already miss you dearly, and we pray that God will give us an opportunity to worship with you again before too long. In the meantime, you are in our prayers.

All our love,

The Timmises


Prayer for this nation | January 19

We have been invited to join in prayer with our brothers and sisters at St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church on the eve of the presidential inauguration. In light of the violence at the Capitol last week and the threats of further violence especially around the inauguration next Wednesday, we will gather to pray twice on Tuesday, January 19.

  • 12 p.m. | In person, socially distanced and masked in the parking lot at St. John’s, 917 Onslow St., Durham

  • 7 p.m. | Zoom link on CCB.

Let us come together in prayer for our nation and against those forces that would tear down, destroy, and pull us apart. If you have questions, please contact David Dunderdale.


A Letter from Pastor Allan Poole

I haven’t slept much this past week. I keep returning to the events of last Wednesday, a day in the season that Christians call Epiphany, in which Christ is revealed as Messiah and Lord. But last Wednesday will not be remembered for that noble and hopeful proclamation. Instead, it will be remembered as the day in which thousands of Americans, many identified specifically as Christians, tried to overturn the results of a national election by force, with the encouragement of the President. The violence that ensued has resulted in several deaths, and that day has left us fearful what may occur in the inauguration next week.


Parade Drive By to Celebrate Dave Stuntz


Sunday, Dec. 27, 2-4 p.m. | Blacknall Perry St. Entrance
Dave Stuntz, Blacknall’s Director of Music Ministries for 23 years, retires at the end of December. Share your gratitude by waving, honking, and dropping off cards as you drive by. Celebratory signs and cards encouraged.


Please line up on Iredell Street and turn right on Perry Street. Please stay in your car; someone will be there to collect cards.

Read brief notes of thanks from Paula Rinehart & Lowrie Beacham here.


Advent at Blacknall

Lessons & Carols
Sunday, Dec. 6

Worship from home with familiar carols and recordings by Blacknall choir and scripture readings.

Carols & Bring your Own Cocoa
Sunday, Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m.

A livestream Christmas songfest.

Worship on the Longest Night
Sunday, Dec. 20, 7 p.m.

A contemplative service over Zoom that provides space to remember that Jesus comes for those of us who are suffering, lonely, or grieving.

Christmas Eve
Thursday, Dec. 24

Worship from home or in small outdoor gatherings. Stay tuned for more details!

Advent Wreath Kits | Sign up

Blacknall is providing Advent wreath kits this year as our gift to the congregation so we can walk through the season of Advent together, even while we're apart. Kits include 4 candles, a floral foam wreath ring, and instructions.

Advent Devotional | Sign up

Jesus is coming – so let’s sing! This year, our daily Advent devotionals will be centered around carols.

S’mores Bake Off Winners!

The deacons selected three winners from the S’more Bake Off entries (they all made us hungry though!). Thanks to everyone who participated and to the deacons for organizing.

Mike Kight and Life-Size Zombie S'more.jpg

Lord of the S'more

Michael Kight with "Night of the Living S'mores"


Most Beanlicious

Erin Miller with "Gimme S’more of that 3 Bean Chili"


Most Edifying

Sylvia with "Sylvia's S'more Tabernacle"

Thanks to all the creative participants!


The Blacknall Library is open


Self-service whenever the church is open, with check-out instructions on the front desk. Returns may go in the slot under the window or in the basket inside the door. Please help us care for our library by keeping track of your borrowed materials and returning them. If you have materials checked out, you will receive a gentle reminder soon to check in on outstanding books, CDs & DVDs.

Questions? Email us at
