Serve and Learn With Our Children This Summer

Summer Sunday School starts this Sunday, June 4! Each June - August, we give our regular Sunday School teachers time off and invite parents and the wider congregation to step into what we have planned for our children in the Nursery and Elementary Halls. This is a wonderful chance for the rest of us to engage in the important (and fun!) work of discipling and learning with our children. Please check out these opportunities below and sign up by this Friday, June 2!
The Nursery Hall 
To fill our remaining spots, we need all parents of nursery-age children to sign up for a date to serve in the Nursery during the Sunday School hour this summer.
Pick your date to serve in the Nursery (10 a.m.)

The Elementary Hall 
We need all parents of elementary-age children to sign up to serve as "assistants" to our summer Sunday School teachers. We also encourage anyone in the congregation who wishes to serve our elementary-age children to use the link below to sign up.

During the summer, our 4-year-old Bugs through 5th graders will gather at 9:50 a.m. for a time of music and singing in Room 102. We'll then split into two age groups for the lesson until pick-up time at 10:45 a.m. 
Sign up to be a Children's Sunday School Class Assistant 

Please reach out to Leslie Petree or Beth Solie with any questions.