Wednesdays, Sept. 18- Nov. 20, 2019, 5:30-7:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall (dinner) and Community room (discussion)
This fall, Blacknall will be offering Alpha’s Parenting Course during the TableTalk time slot. Single parents, guardians, and grandparents raising their grandchildren are welcome. Participants do not need to be Blacknall members, we encourage Blacknall families to invite a friend to take the course with them!
Over ten sessions, the course will help you to:
Build strong foundations
Meet your children's needs
Set clear boundaries
Teach healthy relationships
Consider your long term aim
Families will eat together in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30-6. Childcare opens at 6 p.m., parents should drop off their kids and be in the Community Room by 6:15, when the session begins. The course is video-based, with time for small group discussion after each segment. Parents will be grouped in tables based on their kids’ ages, a table host will facilitate the discussion using the workbook as a guide.
Please note: The Parenting Course is being offered as one of Blacknall’s TableTalk offerings, but will start one week before and end one week after the other TableTalk classes to accommodate the ten sessions. We ask participants to commit to attending at least 8 out of 10 sessions. Registration is limited, please register by Sept. 9.
Meal Cost: $50-$150 for 10 weeks, depending on family size. No charge for childcare or class materials.
Please contact Ali Shoenfelt with any questions.
Learn more about the course.
Watch the promo video.