Blacknall to Host the Fellowship Community Annual Gathering


By Allan Poole

Since the 1960s Blacknall has intentionally identified itself as part of the “evangelical stream within the Reformed Protestant tradition.” Although that word “evangelical” has become contested in its meaning since it became compromised by its association with particular political positions, we have used it in its older sense, expressing a four-fold commitment emphasizing the primary and unique authority of the Scriptures, the lordship of Christ in his incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the invitation to know Christ personally in repentance and faith through the work of the Holy Spirit, and the command to make Christ known as Lord throughout the world. 

We have also been planted in the Reformed Protestant tradition, in this case within the Presbyterian family, a tradition that looks back to the Protestant Reformation and in particular the Swiss Reformation and its central figure John Calvin. Our particular denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), is theologically diverse; Blacknall has been grateful to be able to maintain an irenic and yet, we trust, faithful witness within that theological diversity.  

To that end, we have supported various renewal efforts within the denomination throughout the years. Blacknall was a member of the Covenant Fellowship in the days before reunion in 1983 with the northern branch of the PCUSA; following that reunion we have participated in other organizations with names like Presbyterians for Renewal and the Presbyterian Coalition. In recent years some of those organizations have coalesced into one group of like-minded churches called The Fellowship Community, designed to encourage and support congregations by promoting local fellowship and accountability and theological reflection and faithfulness.

Each year the Community sponsors a national gathering, and some months ago Blacknall was asked if we would be willing to host. Blacknall’s elders agreed, and the gathering will be here, Tuesday April 28-Thursday April 30, 2020. We expect to welcome more than 200 hundred participants from around the country. Anne Paulson has volunteered to head a team of Blacknall folk who will work closely with the national planning team to address the many details that make for a successful conference. We are excited that our own Jeremy Begbie will be leading off the opening worship on Tuesday evening.


Go to their website for more information, and look for regular updates.  Would you like to help? Please contact Anne. I know she would love to hear from you.

Hospitably yours in Christ,


Read more from the February Newsletter . . .

Pastor’s Letter by Goodie Bell

God at Work by Ashley Weinard

Chefs for Change by Anne Paulson

Iglesia Emanuel Ministry Celebration by Margot Hausmann