Personnel Update: Sondra Haaga, Director of Communications

We're sad to announce that Sondra Haaga is leaving her position as Blacknall's Director of Communications. Over the past two and half years, Sondra has overseen and developed most of Blacknall’s media including our website (, the “Life Together” e-newsletter, Sunday’s order of worship and announcement slides, the Advent devotional, and other printed and digital materials. In her program coordinator role, Sondra has assisted many of our program directors, ministry leaders, and committees in implementing their work and communicating it to the congregation. Notably, Sondra has played an active role in supporting the work of the Pastoral Transition Team and the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

Sondra came on board at the tail end of the pandemic in December 2021. The pandemic pushed many churches, including Blacknall, to adopt new and different IT solutions. During her tenure, Sondra redeveloped the website, troubleshooted the livestream, managed the migration to Blacknall’s newest IT service provider, and in 2022-23, she led the complex migration from Church Community Builder (CCB) to Planning Center Online/Church Center.

Sondra will stay on in a limited capacity until August 23 to help with the transition. Please pray for Sondra and Parker as they transition into this new season for their family. Please consider sending a card to the Church Office or emailing her to wish her well.