Volunteer with StepUp (Step2 Winter Cohort)

StepUp Durham partners with adults seeking to transform their lives through employment and life skills training. Blacknall has an opportunity to support StepUp’s upcoming training for their “Step2” cohort. Step2 is for adults working at least 25 hours per week who would like to increase their network, community connections, career possibilities, and financial capacity. There are two ways to serve: Become a Co-Partner and/or provide meals for the meeting. Each Tuesday, they meet at ReCity (112 Broadway Street) in Durham from 6 - 8 p.m. The session runs from January 23 - March 12.

 Co-Partners: As a Step2 Co-Partner, your main activity will be building supportive relationships with participants and other Co-Partners at weekly Step2 meetings. See this job description for details. We have about 33 participants signed up and would like to have a Co-Partner for every one of the participants. Please contact Jay at jay@stepupdurham.org if you are interested.

 Food: Step2 evenings include a meal. We are feeding around 45 people and would love meal contributions making up part of or an entire meal. Dinners are not extravagant: vegetarian chili, for example, is crowd-pleaser. This would be an awesome activity for a group looking to volunteer! February 13 is covered but the rest of the Tuesdays are open. Contact Jay at jay@stepupdurham.org for more info.