The Betty (Women's Storytelling) - Thursday, Oct. 28, 7-8:30 p.m., Sanctuary

Due to forecasted rain, The Betty will be held in the sanctuary. Please come, wear your mask, and hear what the Lord has to say to us through our storytellers.

The Betty is Blacknall’s effort to create a space for women to bear witness to the amazing/head-scratching/wonderful/ impossible/painful/glorious/joyful work of God in our lives. We invite 3-4 women to step up to the mike and share a reading, recite a poem, do a comedy sketch, or tell a short story about a time they encountered Jesus. Humorous content is encouraged! Serious reflections are too! Maybe you’ve encountered Jesus on a literal mountaintop, or maybe it was in a cramped office, or maybe it was in a grocery store. If Jesus was there, no story is too wild or too mundane. The Betty is a forum for all of us to hear, resonate with, and reflect on these sacred stories in the company of other listeners. It is the promotion of a culture of God-story tellers. We hope you’ll join us.