Welcoming International Students

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An update from International Students, Inc., one of Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey Partners

By Scott Hawkins

“Welcome” – a simple, sometimes glibly used, term with potential to be misunderstood in our fast paced, transient and global culture.  Biblically, however, to welcome instructs us to invite an alien or stranger into our own circles.

 Blacknall engages in a Deep Common Journey with International Students, Inc. Over the years, many from the Blacknall Church family have “welcomed” internationals who have come to study or conduct research in Durham by: meeting new students at the airport, taking them shopping at Target or by opening their home for a holiday or a monthly meal together.

Step into beautiful opportunities to serve and befriend Duke international students new to Durham and to the USA.  Together we anticipate assisting 350+ people through several initiatives. Yes, there is a place for you! And we provide logistical support and orientation (Supper Club).

 We consider these to be important ways to welcome in the spirit of Jesus young people, many of whom are not-yet believers!  More information and registration links at http://ivolunteers.website

  • Airport Welcome, August 9 or 10 (1st year undergrads)

  • Shopping Assistance at Target, August 10 (new grad & professional students)

  • Shopping Assistance at Target, August 17 (new grad students)

  • Supper Club hospitality (four times during the fall semester), kickoff September 14. Note: Supper Club hosts need not be family; also, housemates, marrieds without children, senior adults – all qualify!

 Imagine who you might meet and become acquainted with!

Contact: Scott Hawkins or Dan Kronstad <istudentsduke@isionline.org>