Service of Lament


This event has passed, but you’re invited to listen and follow along with the order of service below.

The last few months have been an intense time for us as a congregation and as a nation. In addition to the stresses and losses of COVID-19, we have witnessed the killings of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd and the protests and turmoil that have followed. In times like this it is good for us to come together and humble ourselves in prayer. We will be led over Zoom in a time of lament, confession, and asking for God’s Kingdom to come. 

Order of Service

Welcome and Introduction to Lament | David Dunderdale

Invocation | Goodie Bell

Prayer of Lament | Julie Leyva

Prayer of Confession | Margaret Frothigham, prayer; Dana McCarty, song

Prayer of Healing and Hope | Paul Tshihamba

Song “Your Peace Will Make Us One” | Dana McCarty

Closing & Benediction | Allan Poole

Gather Over Zoom


As we strive to stay connected while apart, consider joining others virtually.

Sunday Morning Worship | 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.

Join a gathering over Zoom to go through the Blacknall liturgy together. Contact hosts for more information. 

Sunday School | 10 a.m.

Participate in a Sunday school class through a regular telephone call or Zoom computer link! The following classes are meeting and would welcome your participation. To receive a zoom link, reach out to the group contact person. All classes meet on Sundays at 10 a.m.

  • Growing in Grace
    Class Leader: Paul Immanuel
    Topic: In depth study of the Gospel of John
    Teaching style: discussion
    Contact: Paul Immanuel, 919-489-0321 

  • Reading Scripture Together
    Class Leaders: John Hamilton and Michael Whisenhunt
    Topic: A study of Romans
    Teaching style: reading of assigned scripture passage before class and discussion of this text together.
    Contact: John Hamilton, 919-599-3519

  • 30s, 40s, & Friends
    Class Leaders: Matt Bridges, Tanya Moore, Alicia Ramos, Roxanne & James Van Farowe, et al
    Topic: Stories from class members about encounters with God and scripture
    Teaching style: 5-10 minute story followed by discussion in small groups
    Contact: Kendra Varnell

Weekday Morning Scripture Reading

Mondays-Fridays, 8:30-8:50 a.m.
A group of Young Adults will gather for a short welcome, reading aloud for 15 minutes, and a short prayer as we head off into our days. We would love to have Blacknall friends of all ages join us. For zoom details, contact Justin Rasmussen.

Resurrection Gardens

Photos of Blacknall families’ Easter resurrection gardens, created during our time apart with supplies delivered by Leslie Petree and Beth Solie.

Know Your Neighbor Month

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This year for “Know Your Neighbor” month, we encourage you to read the book The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon. Their web site has a COVID-19 Neighboring Toolkit with specific ways to connect safely, and the book includes a six-session study guide.

Sign up here to join Pastor David Dunderdale for the six week study over Zoom. Thursdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. May 14, 21, 28, and June 4, 11, & 18.

We hope you’ll join us in this neighboring journey by doing the following:

Weeks One-Two

  • Order the book (Support our Blacknall neighbor The Regulator by ordering locally. Enter the code “DISCOUNT CLUB” for 10% off.)

  • Get to know your Blacknall neighbors (More information about Neighborhood Groups here).

  • Pray for your neighbors, and for opportunities to interact with them (using social distancing).

  • Fill out your Block Map (instructions on pp. 37-39) and spend some time outdoors in your front yard or on walks. Greet neighbors and try to engage them in conversation. Ask them how they’re doing in the midst of this pandemic.

Weeks Three-Four

  • Try out some of the best practices from the COVID-19 Neighboring Toolkit, perhaps together with some Blacknall neighbors.

  • Encourage and pray for one another!

Please contact David Dunderdale or Ali Shoenfelt with questions or feedback.

Let's Talk: Ashley Weinard & Margaret Frothingham

These are strange times, and there is much uncertainty about the months and weeks ahead. Yet, our call remains the same: We worship the crucified and risen Lord. What does endurance and patience look like during this difficult season? How do we bear faithful witness to Christ during the Coronavirus?  

This week is the second in a series of conversations to explore these and other questions. Blacknall staff will interview members and missions partners about life right now. We hope you enjoy Margaret Frothingham’s conversation with Blacknall elder Ashley Weinard.

Let's Talk: Endurance & Patience During COVID-19

A Note from Goodie Bell

Dear Friends, 

These are strange times, and there is much uncertainty about the months and weeks ahead.  Yet, our call remains the same: We worship the crucified and risen Lord. What does endurance and patience look like during this difficult season? How do we bear faithful witness to Christ during the Coronavirus?  

This week, we begin a series of conversations to explore these and other questions. Blacknall staff will interview members and missions partners about life right now. Hope you enjoy my conversation with Jeff Baker, elder and chair of Blacknall's Infectious Disease Response Team. 

In Christ, 

Good News

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Faith, Patience define Jay Huff’s Path

A Richmond Time’s Dispatch article on former Blacknall member Jay Huff with quotes from Brad Turnage. Read here and here.

Congratulations Grace Smith!

Blacknallite and Duke senior Grace Smith was awarded the Sullivan Award for outstanding commitment to service to others. Grace says “I am very grateful for the models of spirituality and service that Blacknall has surrounded me with in Durham, both through the support of Duke PCM+ and through the mentors, friends, and role models in the congregation." Read more here

Socks for docs

Ivy and Joey Pointer, CEO of Fleet Feet, donated 500 pairs of feetures socks to healthcare workers at Wake Med! 

From World Relief Durham

“World Relief Durham has entered a new phase, even before the COVID-19 crisis hit. With few arrivals, we had worked on deepening relationships with refugees already in our community. The Blacknall teams are the role models for this kind of deeper connection. Your support of families goes beyond "good neighbors" as WR parlance has it; you are brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, confidants and support systems. This latest act of radical generosity of spirit and finances in the face of a crisis that is also hitting you and your families hard shows that being the hands and feet of Christ, while difficult, is what we are here to do. Your hope has changed a hopeless situation. Your gifts have literally brought light to the darkness. You've heard a specific Mr. Rogers quote several times in recent days, I bet. Well, I found the helpers. Here you are. Thank you.”

- Susan Baldwin, volunteer coordinator at World Relief

Your Good News

Share your story of how Christ has shown up in an unexpected way.