Spring Block Party


April 28, 12:30-2:30 p.m. | Iredell Street.


The deacon's Hospitality Committee invites you to our annual Block Party. Enjoy a cook out, tasty frozen treats, a bouncy house, free tote bag printing and wonderful fellowship with your Blacknall family. 

Please bring a side dish to share: last names beginning with letters A-I baked beans, J-R salads, S-Z coleslaw. In the event of rain, the Block Party will be moved indoors at Blacknall.

Know Your Neighbor Month


Calendar of Ideas

Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. But how can we love our neighbors well if we don’t know them? April is our chance to start or deepen a friendship with those physically closest to us by doing something intentional with a neighbor. Visit the bulletin board in the staff hallway for ideas and to share your experience.

If you would like a $10-50 grant to host an outing or gathering, contact Ali Shoenfelt.

StepUp Durham

Blacknall Presbyterian StepUp Class - Aug. 2016 (1).jpg

Sign up here

Blacknall is hosting StepUp’s workshop April 9-12. We have a great chance to show our hospitality by providing the group of 10-15 participants and staff with lunch. StepUp Durham is a non-profit that offers Employment Readiness Training, personalized job coaching, employer referrals, and supportive services to job seekers, including those with barriers like a criminal background or gaps in work history. 

Contact: Nancy Grigg.

Holy Week & Easter


Scriptural Way of the Cross
April 15-19, 9-5 & 6-8 p.m.| Fellowship Hall
Walk the self-guided interactive space and follow Jesus along his journey to the cross. Children are welcome, but parents may want to view the space prior to bringing younger ages. View photos here.

Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 18, 7 p.m. | Sanctuary.
Members from Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church will join Blacknall. A reception will follow the service. Childcare provided through age 4.

Good Friday Children’s Worship
Friday, April 19, 4:30 p.m. | Room 105
Age 3 to 2nd grade. Children’s worship using the story of the Crucifixion. Parents also welcome to take part.

Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Friday, April 19, 7 p.m. | Sanctuary
A service reflecting on the Passion of our Lord. Childcare provided through 2nd grade.

Easter Services
Sunday, April 21
6 a.m. sunrise service at Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church (316 Hebron Rd).
8:30 & 11 a.m. Easter services at Blacknall.

Prayer & Fasting for Durham


March 24-27

Prayer Guide

St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church in Walltown has invited Blacknall to join in a three day fast for Durham. View the prayer guide above.

Prayer & Fasting Begins
Sunday, March 24, 4 p.m. | Location: St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church
Let’s unite as one body in Christ to fast, pray and praise God. United we stand to proclaim liberty for the captive and a hunger and thirst for righteousness within the body of Christ.

Prayer & Fasting Ends
Wednesday, March 27, 6 p.m. | Location: Blacknall
End prayer and fasting at Blacknall’s Lenten simple supper and service, joined by St. John’s. Come and worship as we journey together toward Easter.

Lenten Simple Supper & Services


Wednesdays, March 6-April 10

6-6:45 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
A simple meal for $3/person, $10/family (no charge for potlucks on March 6 and April 10); payment accepted at the dinner. 

7-7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary
Come and worship as we journey together toward Easter. Children 3rd grade and older are welcome in the service. To help with meal prep or clean up, please sign up here.

6:50-7:40 p.m
Infant - Age 3: Nursery Hallway
Age 4 - 2nd Grade: Programming in room 109

Art work by Janice Joy Little.

Ash Wednesday Potluck & Service


Ash Wednesday Potluck Dinner 
Wednesday, March 6, 6-6:45 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
All are invited to dinner before the service. Please bring a dish or side to share.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, March 6, 7-7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary
A service marking the beginning of Lent, followed by the imposition of ashes. Children third grade and older are welcome in the service. Childcare: 6:50-7:40 p.m. Infant - Age 3: Nursery Hallway. Age 4 - 2nd Grade: Programming in room 109.

Job Opening: Children’s Ministry Director


Blacknall is hiring a Director of Nursery and Preschool Children’s Ministries. The director is charged with the responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate all church programs for nurturing the church’s youngest children in the faith, from birth to pre-Kindergarten, and for encouraging and enabling parents and volunteers in their crucial roles in this regard. This is a part-time 25 hours per week position.

View the full job description here.

To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter that includes a brief statement of faith to childrensearch@blacknall.org.

Hosting an Open Table: Lessons in Christian Hospitality


Wednesdays, January 16, 23, & February 27
6-7:30 p.m.

Register here

Steve Hinkle and Ali Shoenfelt are facilitating this dinner and discussion series hosted by Blacknall's Evangelism Team. We'll study the Biblical mandate to love our neighbors (or co-workers, classmates, etc.), learn practical ways to engage the non-believers among us, and challenge each other to try something new. After the first two meetings, we’ll break for five weeks to practice what we’ve learned. On February 27, we’ll come together to discuss our experiences. Dinner and childcare provided. Bonus: Pastors Allan and David are cooking the first meal!

Location: Fellowship Hall
Contact: Steve Hinkle or Ali Shoenfelt

Mental Health First Aid


Saturday, Feb. 23, 8-5 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

Register here

Please note, because of a family crisis for the Alliance Behavioral Health trainer, the date has been moved from Feb. 9 to Feb. 23.

Mental Health First Aid, led by Alliance Behavioral Health facilitators, gives lay people an overview of mental illness. The facilitators offer guidelines for helping a community member showing signs of a mental illness or crisis. They encourage ways to connect people with the appropriate professional, peer, social or self-help care. Any adult may take the 8-hour course at no charge. Lunch is provided. To insure a proper count for materials and for the lunch, please contact Blacknall church office (919-286-5586) or register through the above link.

Location: Fellowship Hall
Contact: Margaret Frothingham

New Small Groups


Several small groups are forming this month and other existing groups have openings for new group members. Small groups meet weekly in someone's home and are a great way to get to know people better. 

Watch this space in coming weeks for an updated list of open groups. For more information, contact David Dunderdale.

Open Groups

  • Wednesdays 7-9 p.m. Small Group
    Bible study lead by David Crow with sharing, prayer, and occasional meals together. Three open spots. Hosted by David and Kristy Ponce in Durham. Contact: Kristy Ponce

  •  Mondays 7-8:30 p.m. Small Group
    Book study on Gospel in Life by Tim Keller, facilitated by Abby Stitsinger and Lauren Holahan.  Jan. 28 through mid-April. Seven open spots. Hosted by Abby Stitsinger in Durham. if you would like to join this group, please contact Lauren Holahan.

  • Sundays 4-6 p.m. Small Group
    Book study on Gospel in Life by Tim Keller, facilitated by Lauren Holahan. Eight open spots.  Hosted by Kim Dunderdale in Durham.  To join, contact Kim.

Financial Freedom in 2019


Tuesday, January 8, 7-9 p.m.

Sign up here

Led by life-coach Heidi Hackney this seminar offers 5 steps that lead to solid financial practices that will serve you for a lifetime. Do you wonder where your money goes? Are there things in your life that are not working? Whether it is related to finances or not, these practices will lead you to good stewardship of what you already have and create an attitude of abundance and appreciation. Come to this dynamic, interactive two-hour workshop and leave with a 30-day plan to implement immediately and start 2019 on the right path. Cost: $39 includes workbook. Class limit is 14. 

Location: Upper Room
Contact: Heidi Hackney


Weaving Workshop


January 29 & 30, 7-9 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

 Please sign up here

Caitlin Coons is offering a two-evening workshop for those who’d like to make a tapestry.  The first night is for beginners to cover the basics. The second night is for beginners and those who were at the women’s retreat and need help finishing their tapestries. We will have 15 looms/spots for new people who want to learn, and anyone who still has their loom is welcome to join.  

New Marriage Course

Thursdays, Jan. 17- March 7, 2019, 6-8:30 p.m.


marriage course.jpg

An 8-week series for couples who want to invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively and resolve differences well. Each week you will fed a delicious meal at an intimate table for two, listen to a practical talk, and have time for private discussion between you and your partner. Childcare is available. Questions? Contact Joyce Kight.


Click here to learn more about the course.

Marriage Course Testimonial from Matthew Tay & Emmaline Thor – “We'd like to invite every married couple in Blacknall to attend the Marriage Course. The course provides practical tools for each couple to improve their marriage, including communication, conflict resolution, and how to love each other better. More than 50 couples have now attended the course at Blacknall, and have all found the course to be beneficial. We have had couples on the course with great marriages who felt that they grew even closer on the course. We have also had couples who were separated who decided to take the course together and sat and talked and laughed with each other and worked together at restoring their relationship. Emm and I have gone through the course 5 times now, and each time we still learn something new to apply to our marriage. Meals are provided, and all communication is private between you and your spouse - you'll be seated at a  table for two, and you won't have to share anything that you discussed. There will also be childcare available. Please allow the Marriage Course Team to bless you.”