Please welcome Julie Leyva to her new role as Blacknall's part-time Middle School Coordinator! We're so grateful for Julie's willingness to help fill a staffing gap before we hire a permanent Director of Middle School Ministry.
Focus on Missions: Deep Common Journey (DCJ)
In case you missed it on Sunday, we invite you to watch the Focus on Missions presentation about our Deep Common Journey (DCJ) partnerships.
PNC Update (9.27.2023)
Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue the work of discerning whom God is calling to be our next Senior Pastor. We want you all to know how much we appreciate you being faithful in prayer with us! Please pray that God will continue to provide his guidance and wisdom throughout this search process.
Don't Miss Out on the Men's Retreat!
The deadline to register for the Men's Retreat is this Sunday, September 24! Don't miss out on this opportunity to fellowship with fellow Blacknall men and friends from St. John's in the scenic mountains of Montreat, NC on October 27 - 29.
The $180 registration fee covers two nights' lodging, all three Saturday meals, and Sunday breakfast. We want all men to attend, regardless of their financial situation.
Seeking Storytellers for The Betty
The Betty returns on Thursday, October 19, from 7 - 8:30 p.m.! The theme for this upcoming Women’s Ministry storytelling gathering is "Belonging.” What does it mean to “belong?” When and where have you felt a sense of belonging? Was it a specific moment? A physical place? A gathering of certain people? Did it require something of you or of those around you? If you have a story about how God has worked or is working out a sense of belonging in your life, please consider being one of the storytellers! Contact Lauren Holahan by September 24 to get on the storyteller list and/or to help with the event.
New Group: The Blacknall Film Collective
The Blacknall Film Collective exists to explore our mutual love of cinema in community. The group will meet to both watch and discuss movies, coming together to glean spiritual truths in sometimes unexpected places. Together, we hope to deepen our appreciation for the medium and develop our ability to think critically about what we watch.
New Blacknall Arts Release - Living Water
Blacknall Arts — our in-house songwriting and recording initiative — is excited to announce the release of “Living Water.”
As I was reflecting on how Scripture references water as an agent of new life, I was drawn into the narrative of John 4 and the picture painted in Psalm 1. The Psalm 1 imagery of a tree growing strong and bearing fruit because it is planted next to the stream offers a beautiful picture of the flourishing that I hear in Jesus’ words in John 4:14, “…The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
The release includes two different versions of the song, artwork by Blacknall little ones Elias Fine and Pax Reagan (and exchange student Gonzalo Pérez-Salvador), and features the musical talents of Kate Van Farowe, Hannah Taylor, Nat Stine, Sarah Lapp, Kat Burgett, and Wen Reagan. “Living Water” is now available on all streaming platforms.
Job Announcement: Director of Children’s Ministries
We are now accepting applications for the position of Director of Children's Ministries. The job description — written after careful consideration of our church's needs and with invaluable input from our current Children's Ministry leaders — has been approved by the Session and is now posted on the employment page. It also will be shared with various churches, colleges, and universities. Please pray for the members of the Search Committee (pictured left to right): Jeff Connolly, Pam Pennigar, Bethany Bonnemere (chair), Goodie Bell (ex officio), Kathy Mitchell, and Peter Cvelich as they undertake this important work. Direct any questions and/or applications to and include “DCM Position" in the subject line.
Have you heard about the LCs?
The LCs are Blacknall’s fellowship group for older adults. Anyone between the ages of 50 (“L”) and 100 (“C”) is invited to join this group. Every Wednesday morning, the LCs meet from 10:30 a.m. - noon for fellowship and Bible study. We are currently meeting on Zoom with occasional in-person meetings.
Now is a great time to join the LCs! We are just beginning a study on Ken Bailey’s, “Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels.” Bailey uses his 30 years of experience as a missionary and scholar living in the Middle East to illuminate the cultural background behind many Gospel stories. Bisharah Libbus is facilitating this study. Bisharah is from Lebanon and was neighbors with Bailey for several years. He brings his own insights to augment those of Bailey.
If you would like to join this group, please email Pastor Dave Dunderdale or join through Church Center.
Fall Sunday School Classes
The Sunday School class schedule for the fall is now posted on Blacknall's website. The semester begins on Sunday, September 10.
Most of our Adult Sunday School classes will continue with studies they started during the summer or a prior semester. You can Jump right into any of these classes. If you have never attended any of these studies, there is no reason to hesitate, please come!
The 30s, 40s, & Friends class will host a unique offering for the fall called, "Following Jesus: Explorations on Politics & Race in Today's World.” Anyone is welcome to attend this class that will meet in the Sanctuary. It is a two-part class: Kaitlyn Schiess will lead the first part and Steve Hinkle, Paul Tshihamba, and Jeff Baker will lead the second.
The Sunday School topics and locations for Children and Youth are also updated on our site. The Nursery will remain in the Fellowship Hall until the repairs and renovations to the Nursery Hall are completed later this fall.
We look forward to learning with you and deepening our discipleship together at 10 a.m. every Sunday this fall!
Follow-Up to the Congregational Meeting (8/27)
Thank you to everyone who attended the Congregational Meeting on Sunday to receive the budget and approve the “Terms of Call” for our pastors. If you were not able to make it, we encourage you to review the report presented by Pete Gerend, elder and Session representative to the Finance Committee. (You must be logged in to Church Center to view this report on the “Links” page.) You can also find a hard copy of the FY23/24 budget, along with printed Session minutes, in a new location: on the whiteboard next to the Church Office (corrected from the announcement in Life Together).
Mission Minutes | PNC Update with Brett McCarty
In this Mission Minutes update, Brett McCarty, a member of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), gives a report on the work and progress of the PNC.
If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of the PNC or email For more information, please visit the Pastoral Transition page. Please continue to pray for the work of the PNC as they lead the search for our next Senior Pastor.
Mission Minutes | ISI with Dan Kronstad
In this Mission Minutes video, Dan Kronstad talks about Blacknall's Deep Common Journey partnership with International Students, Inc. (ISI). Dan serves as the Triangle Area Director for ISI and he is a Blacknall member and Elder.
Don't miss these opportunities to bless the nations without needing to leave your own backyard. To get involved with this ministry to international students in the Triangle, please visit and select the "Volunteer" dropdown menu.
Why Is The Great Escape So Great?
By Sarah Lapp
At 4:30 on a Wednesday morning, 30 middle schoolers and nine leaders gathered outside Blacknall to load a coach bus; by 5:15, we were Florida-bound for The Great Escape. Twelve hours later, we arrived at Southwind Camp energized by the excitement of being with over a hundred other middle schoolers at a summer playground paradise. Our days were filled with pool parties, volleyball, paddle boarding, jumping into the lake, the Screamer swing, disc golf, and making friendship bracelets. Each night we returned to our mercifully air-conditioned dorms and crashed into our bunk beds, looking forward to waking to another fun-packed day.
Men, Mark Your Calendars!
Update From the PNC (7.19.2023)
The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is continuing the work of in-depth conversation and discernment within the interview phase, as we seek to discern who God is calling to be our next Senior Pastor.
The prayers of you, the congregation, have been encouraging and sustaining us throughout this process. Please continue praying! Please pray that God will guide us clearly through his Holy Spirit and that we will clearly hear His Voice.
Update From the PNC (6.18.2023)
Watch the update that Alexa Gerend, member of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), provided to the congregation during the June 18 worship service.
Worship, Work, & Rest: High School Camp Reflections
By Kat Burgett
During the last week of June, 21 high schoolers and six adults went away to High School Camp — though not very far away, because this year we stayed in and around Durham! Two questions guided our time together: What kind of life is God inviting us into? What is God calling us to be and to do? So we structured our time at camp around three things to which God calls all Christians: worship, work, and rest.
“We Are God’s Masterpiece”: Art Camp Reflections
“We are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
I was in Lowe’s one day when I saw it: a front door, ready for delivery. Nope, I didn’t need the door — but the box! Oh, what we could do with that box! I had to tell Beth Solie about it.
Beth and I began planning for Art Camp in January. This year’s camp would take its inspiration from the giant artworks of Frank Stella. He doesn’t work alone, and neither would our campers. When we work together, we can make bigger (and better) art. But Stella and his team paint and sculpt with wood, metal, and fiberglass. We needed something lightweight, affordable, and plentiful.
Sign Up Now for Summer Book Clubs
A number of books clubs are revving up for the summer. Don’t miss your opportunity to engage with your fellow Blacknallites on such interesting topics as Beth Moore's memoir (women's), transformational encounters with God's love (women's), reconnecting with stories from our childhood (co-ed), and the problems and promise of global missions (co-ed). There is also a book club for high schoolers that is also a baking club!
The durations of the book clubs range from a single night to six weeks/sessions. Check out all the details in Church Center where you can request to join a group.