Looking for Supper Club Hosts

ISI is looking for additional Supper Club hosts to sign up for the spring 2023 semester. The registration deadline is January 29

Supper Clubs connect international students with committed hosts in the Triangle area by sharing meals together in hosts’ homes during one semester. Two - four students are assigned to each host. The hosts and students will meet at the Kick-Off event at Blacknall and then at the host’s home for three meals throughout the semester.

BSF Offering a Men's Bible Study at Blacknall

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), a Blacknall partner, invites all men to an ongoing Bible study that meets on Monday nights at 7 p.m. at Blacknall. The study, “People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided,“ unpacks a fascinating period in Israel’s history across 15 books, from its split into two nations, through dozens of kings and prophets, and ultimately to the heartbreaking exile into Babylon.

Mission Minutes | Monthly Update From the Session (Dec. 2022)

In this Mission Minutes video, Blacknall Elder Mark Paulson provides the monthly update from the Session. Mark discusses where we are and where we are headed in the pastoral transition process — including an Information Session on January 8 about the recently completed Mission Study Report. (Note: There is no adult Sunday School on January 8; however, Nursery and Children's Sunday School will resume that Sunday.)

It's Official! We Have a PNC!

The results are in from Sunday’s Congregational Meeting and all candidates nominated to serve on the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) have been elected! We thank the Officer Nominating Committee for their work to select the candidates, whom the congregation has now approved.

Please keep them in your prayers as they meet as a committee for the first time on Dec. 7 (7:30-9 p.m.). They will meet with our Presbytery Vacancy Advocate, Lori Pistor.