Bulletin 6.6.21



  • Congregational Meeting | Immediately following 8:30 am and 11:15 am worship services for the sole purpose of voting on the dissolution of the pastoral relationship between Blacknall and Allan Poole. This is a necessary step required by our denomination’s Book of Order as we begin this transition process.

  • Ordination & installation of officers | 8:30 am Worship Service

  • Acknowledge senior students | 8:30 am Worship Service 

  • Children’s Worship and Nursery begins in limited capacity. 

  • Communion in the Rose Garden | 9:45-10 am & 12:30-12:45 pm 
    For those who worship with us virtually and who would like to receive communion, a pastor will be present in the rose garden.

Summer Small Groups | Sign up

  • Two small groups will be meeting this summer. Groups are co-ed and open to youth (16+) and adults. The format will include reading and discussing the upcoming Sunday’s sermon text, fellowship and prayer.


  • CROP Walk Update | Thank you to everyone who walked and donated in April. There were four Blacknall sponsored walks and over $10,000 raised for CROP walk in honor of Deanna Koenig!

  • Summer Nursery Volunteers | Sign up
    We are inviting fully vaccinated adults and teens in our congregation to partner with the Nursery Ministry in providing childcare during our Sunday 8:30 am worship service this summer. You can find the June/July sign-up sheet above and you're welcome to sign up as a Volunteer Worker for as many spots as you'd like.


Ministry Partners

  • Campus—We pray for Steve Hinkle, on staff with InterVarsity.  Steve serves professional student groups and faculty at Duke University and is the Area Director for the work of InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries across Virginia and the Carolinas.  Steve asks for pray for:

    • Helping staff re-engage with in-person ministry while holding onto the new tools and strategies that arose during the Covid restrictions. We are all eager to be WITH our students and faculty. But also staff are tired from a difficult year. Pray for spiritual refreshment and grounding for all of us.

    • Pray for Quenton Keatts, a new staff provisionally appointed to serve grad students and faculty at Virginia Tech. Quenton has years of experience as a part time pastor in the Missionary Baptist Church. Plus, he has been an adjunct faculty at VT and other schools. His PhD is in Sociology from VT. He is a true Hokie, grew up in Roanoke, and is full of vision and passion for this new work. Pray we can help him acquire funding for the work.

    • Pray for Missy DeRegibus as she raises support for her work with grad students and faculty at VCU and University of Richmond. 

    • With a full team in Virginia and in most of NC, pray for expansion into South Carolina. Know any faculty or grad students in our sister state to the south? Send me a note at (919)452-6788! 

  • International—We pray for Blacknall missionaries, David and Erin Pervis who are now relocated in Athens to reach out to the many Muslim refugees who have settled into Greece. An outreach film, used with a mix of adults and teenagers, has generated many probing questions: “Why does God allow people who do evil to continue to live and have power?”; “Where does evil come from?”; “Why did God give us responsibility for creation?”; “Since the Bible was written so long ago, how is it relevant to us today?”; “If we have God’s image in us, why do we sin?; “Why did God let Abraham wait until he was 100 years old for his promised son to come?”; “What would have happened if Abraham had actually sacrificed Isaac?”; “Why did God introduce Himself as ‘I am’ in the present and not the past nor the future?”; “Why did God choose a coward like Moses to be His prophet?” Prayer requests: 

    • the 12 refugee families in Voula House: emotional and physical healing, language study, jobs, and legal documentation; 

    • salvation for those who have watched a video gospel presentation; 

    • jobs for Sam and his wife in Germany; 

    • spiritual growth for Sam and his wife’s compatriots who have come to faith in Christ through their ministry; 

    • strength and love for David and Erin’s ministry to refugees and Greeks.  

  • Durham—We pray for the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in Durham and for John Blake, their executive director.  John asks for prayer for: 

    • Open hearts to the Gospel when children and families attend Bible clubs, special events, and sports camps in 2021

    • For continued favor, funds, and access to minister in local neighborhoods and schools during the COVID pandemic

    • Strengthen our ministry coalitions, which is proclaiming and living the Gospel in 14 communities of extreme needs in Durham

    • 500 volunteers with CEF Durham by 2022-2023

    • Good News Clubs can meet together in schools and communities during 2021-2022

    • 100 donors will give $1,000 each or the equivalent, which includes 500 city kids sponsored at $100/each for summer academic/character/sports camps, staffing, ministry and operational expenses in 2021


  • We pray for those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus.


  • We celebrate with the whole Demarest family as Grant and Katie Lambert got married on May 29

  • We celebrate the joyful marriage of Joe Krall and Amy Whisenand this past Tuesday.

  • We celebrate with Julie Leyva as she passed her preliminary exams for her PhD.

  • We thank God that Oscar Shoenfelt, John Shoenfelt’s brother, has been discharged from the hospital after his heart transplant.  Pray for continued health and restoration.


  • We pray for Joy Manila, daughter of Ron & Betsy Manila, who had successful orthopedic surgery on both of her legs this past Tuesday.  Pray for patience and strength as she goes through the recovery and rehab process.

  • We pray for Joe Crupi at Hillcrest recovering from hip surgery.

  • We pray for Joe & Karen Bohn who are back in the U.S. from Budapest and for Joe as he meets with doctors this week to deal with blocked cardiac arteries.

  • We pray for Randy Strait facing hip surgery this week.

  • We pray for Anne Paulson having a heart ablation this week.


  • We pray against the growing violence in Haiti.  Pray for Romel, a Haitian doctor that works in a clinic in Haiti who is going to send his wife and two young daughters to stay with April Perry out of fear of violence and their being kidnapped for ransom.

  • We pray for the nation of India as they continue to struggle with the coronavirus.  Our mission partner in India asks for prayer for several of their discipleship leaders who have come down with the virus.

Life Together

  • We thank God for the blessing of the ministry of Allan & Betsy Poole and the whole Poole family.  We thank God for the celebration at Camp Chestnut Ridge yesterday and the drive by farewell at the church this afternoon.

  • We pray for the Pastoral Transition Team as they begin the work of searching for an Interim Pastor.  Pray as they begin the process of receiving applications and for the Lord to lead us to the right person.  We pray for Stephanie Wheatley (chair), Lauren Holahan, Jack Simonds, Julie Leyva, Ann Talton-Lee, Paul Tshihamba, and David Dunderdale.


  • Samaritan Health Center is growing and has a position for a part time Medical Director! The Medical Director will have primary responsibility for managing the clinical performance of Samaritan Health Center. He or she will work closely with the Executive Director to ensure that medical and vision services at the Health Center are provided at the Health Center are provided at the standard of care. Please check HERE for the full description and application. We would love to have you join our team!

  • CCS Volunteer "Senior" Intern Wanted: Do you want to get out of the house once a week, be around a youthful presence, and use your bookkeeping, database, and office management skills for ministry purposes? The Center for Christianity and Scholarship is looking for an enthused retiree with bookkeeping and database skills to volunteer for several hours a week in the office at the CCS house. The need is from June through August, but with the possibility of extending through the calendar or academic year if all parties agree. If interested, please contact Laney Alspaugh at margaret.alspaugh@duke.edu.