Bulletin 5.30.21


Sunday, May 30

  • Communion in the Rose Garden | 9:45-10 am & 12:30-12:45 pm 
    For those who worship with us virtually and who would like to receive communion, a pastor will be present in the rose garden.

Tuesday, June 1

  • Amy Whisenand & Joe Krall's Wedding Livestream | 4 pm (Prelude music begins at 3:45.) Amy and Joe invite Blacknall to witness their wedding virtually. Due to Covid restrictions, they're unable to welcome very many in-person guests for the ceremony, and hope you'll consider joining by viewing the livestream. 

Sunday, June 6

  • Congregational Meeting | Immediately following 8:30 am and 11:15 am worship services for the sole purpose of voting on the dissolution of the pastoral relationship between Blacknall and Allan Poole. This is a necessary step required by our denomination’s Book of Order as we begin this transition process.

  • Ordination & installation of officers | 8:30 am Worship Service

  • Acknowledge senior students | 8:30 am Worship Service 

  • Children’s Worship and Nursery begins in limited capacity. 


  • Summer Nursery Volunteers | Sign up
    We are inviting fully vaccinated adults and teens in our congregation to partner with the Nursery Ministry in providing childcare during our Sunday 8:30 am worship service this summer. You can find the June/July sign-up sheet above and you're welcome to sign up as a Volunteer Worker for as many spots as you'd like. If you haven't volunteered on the Nursery Hall before, you can still sign-up and Leslie Petree will contact you about the screening process and online security training. We hope you'll consider engaging with and investing in our Blacknall children in this way!

  • Personnel Update | For the past 5 years Mary Grimm has been Blacknall’s Communications Director. We are sad to announce that she will be leaving her role in early June. In her time with us she has done remarkable work in helping us stay connected with a beautiful sense of the aesthetic. We are grateful for all that Mary has done to meet our communications needs! She has taken a new job at Housing for New Hope here in Durham. Housing for New Hope is one of our mission partners in Durham. We give thanks for Mary and wish her the best in this new season. If you have been blessed by Mary, will you send her an email to thank her for her good work among us?

  • New Small Groups Coming Soon!
    Groups will study the upcoming Sunday’s sermon text. Interested? Want more information? Email Goodie Bell.


  • Campus—We pray for John and Jeanie Hamilton, on staff with Navigators working at Duke and beyond.  Please pray for:

    • 1.     New Bible Reading Group on one of the athletic teams at Duke.  Please pray Eph1:17–18 for them: “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.” 

    • 2.     That God would enable us to replicate the Word Alive Sunday School (meets Sunday mornings at Blacknall) class in 5 new church plants and the mother church in Athens, Greece.

    • 3.     Jeanie's work among a dozen Chapel Hill friends in a book club that’s been meeting 10 years. They are not believers yet.  They just asked her to accept leadership of the group. She keeps calling them back to the faith of their youth. 

  • International—We pray for Blacknall missionary Stephen Crupi.  Stephen is teaching biblical studies at Bishop Allison Theological College [BATC], a college designed to support the South Sudanese churches by providing theological education for local pastors and church leaders.  The majority of pastors in South Sudan have not received any formal biblical education.  Due to the present conflict in South Sudan, Bishop Allison has temporarily moved to the Arua district in northwestern Uganda and is serving the South Sudanese refugees who are currently living in Uganda.” A few days ago, Stephen wrote, “I am looking forward to meeting our new students who will begin at the end of this month, and I will also be able to visit many of my students who recently finished as most of them live in the refugee camps in Uganda…. Please pray for the following: (1) Thanksgiving that my students were able to complete their courses of study. Please also pray that they will be able to use their education well as they serve in their churches and communities. (2) For peace in South Sudan.  (3) For the bishop-elect of the Diocese of Yei, Rev. Levi Marandulu. Levi was chosen as the next bishop on May 7th, and he will, among his many responsibilities, serve as the chairman for BATC’s Board of Governors.  (4) For our next semester to begin well with the new students.”

  • Durham—We pray for the ministry of our neighbors across Perry St., St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church.  Please pray for their continued ministry with our homeless neighbors as they feed them breakfast every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and lunch every Saturday.  Pray for Tony Johnson who heads up this ministry and our own Kris Barman who is in charge of breakfasts on Monday mornings.  Kris could use more help.  Please let her or David Dunderdale know if you are able to help.  Be praying for St. Joe’s as they go through their own pastoral transition.  It has just been announced that their new vicar, beginning in July, will be the Rev. Dr. Lauren Winner.  We pray for her preparation to begin this ministry. 


  • We pray for those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus.


  • We celebrate with those who completed academic programs this year: Kyle Gibbs, Amy Webster, Joel Finney, Brad Boswell, and Nate Lo.

  • We celebrate with Jill Marcantonio as she passed her preliminary exams for her PhD.

  • We celebrate with Aaron & Deb Ebert as he passed his preliminary exams for his PhD.


  • We pray for Oscar Shoenfelt, John Shoenfelt’s brother, who after waiting for 40 days in Duke hospital for heart transplant surgery, received a new heart this past Tuesday.  Please pray for continued recovery and for his body to fully receive this new heart.

  • We pray for Joy Manila, daughter of Ron & Betsy Manila, who will be having orthopedic surgery on both of her legs this Tuesday.

  • We pray for Julie Leyva as she finishes taking her PhD. preliminary exams this week.

  • We pray for Joe Crupi at Hillcrest recovering from hip surgery.

  • We pray for Joe Bohn in Budapest, Hungary as he and Karen prepare to return to the U.S. and for Joe to have cardiac surgery here at Duke to treat blocked cardiac arteries.

  • We continue to pray with hope for Julee Weems to recover from serious health conditions.


  • We pray for the community of San Jose, California, and the families and friends of the victims of the recent mass shooting there this past week.

  • We pray for the nation of India as they continue to struggle with the coronavirus.  Our mission partner in India asks for prayer for several of their discipleship leaders who have come down with the virus.

  • We pray for Israel and Palestine and thank God for the ceasefire.  We pray for God to be at work to bring peace and a just way to move forward in this conflict.

 Life Together

  • We thank God for the blessing of the ministry of Allan & Betsy Poole and the whole Poole family.  We pray for the celebration at Camp Chestnut Ridge this Saturday

  • We pray for the Pastoral Transition Team as they begin the work of searching for an Interim Pastor.  We pray for Stephanie Wheatley (chair), Lauren Holahan, Jack Simonds, Julie Leyva, Ann Talton-Lee, Paul Tshihamba, and David Dunderdale.


  • Samaritan Health Center is growing and has a position for a part time Medical Director! The Medical Director will have primary responsibility for managing the clinical performance of Samaritan Health Center. He or she will work closely with the Executive Director to ensure that medical and vision services at the Health Center are provided at the Health Center are provided at the standard of care. Please check HERE for the full description and application. We would love to have you join our team!

  • CCS Volunteer "Senior" Intern Wanted: Do you want to get out of the house once a week, be around a youthful presence, and use your bookkeeping, database, and office management skills for ministry purposes? The Center for Christianity and Scholarship is looking for an enthused retiree with bookkeeping and database skills to volunteer for several hours a week in the office at the CCS house. The need is from June through August, but with the possibility of extending through the calendar or academic year if all parties agree. If interested, please contact Laney Alspaugh at margaret.alspaugh@duke.edu.